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Images - xat wiki
xat has a list of 1758 pictures that you can use as an avatar. You can find the complete list on the default avatars article. You may also individually see them on https://www.xat.com/web_gear/chat/av/?.png where ? is a number between 1 and 1758, e.g. Avatar 1. Using a Direct Link as a xat Avatar
Images/ro - xat wiki
xat are o listă cu 1758 avatare pe care le puteți folosi. Puteți găsi lista completă în articolul avatarelor implicite. De asemenea, le puteți vedea pe https://www.xat.com/web_gear/chat/av/?.png, unde "?" este un număr între 1 și 1758; de exemplu: Avatar 1. Folosind un Link Direct ca Avatar xat
Default avatars - xat wiki
Default avatars (sometimes referred to as toon avatars) are avatars that are provided by xat that can be used by all users. They can be used by entering the respective number of the avatar into the "Avatar" area in your user dialog. For a direct link to default avatars, get the avatar URL and replace "42" with your desired avatar number.
[FREE] xat graphic resources - Graphics - xat Forum
2018年2月12日 · All the xat resources posted here were created by iSanty (388822204) from [0%], you may use them however you want, you may not resell or redistribute anything here without modifications (do not include them in your own packs), everything is for free for all users, most of the resources here are a psd file, so you can edit them as you wish.
All the xat pawns imgs [RESOURCE] - Graphics - xat Forum
2018年1月25日 · Hi everyone!!! Today I bring you something special to you guys, ALL THE xat PAWNS ON IMGS! YEAH! I hope you like it! remember, if you want some smiley, icon or something on psd file It just leave a comment below! NOTE: ALL THE PAWNS WERE CREATED BY ME FROM 0, THESE xat RESOURCES ARE FOR EVERYONE ...
How to upload and use a custom avatar - Tutorials - xat Forum
2021年10月22日 · xat allows you to use an image uploaded to a third party website as an avatar. The most common and reliable image hosts for this are: 1. https://imgur.com/ 2. https://imgbb.com/ 3. https://img.xatblog.net/ To use imgur: 1.
Images - xath Wiki
Paste the direct link of your avatar into the box labeled "picture". xats has a list of 1758 pictures that you can use as an avatar. You can find the complete list on the default avatars article.
xat Photo_Uploader chat
Upload your Pictures or Wallpapers here, for your Display image in the xat Chat
Cum să îţi pui o imagine pe un XAT CHAT - YouTube
Este primul meu tutorial în care vă arăt cum să vă puneţi o poză pe un XAT CHAT. Sper ca v-am ajutat cât de cât :) . Mulţumesc pentru VIZIONARE - Daţi şi voi...