Molecular geometry regulation of - ScienceDirect
2017年1月1日 · Perylenediimide derivatives (PDI) are among the most promising non-fullerene electron acceptor materials for use in organic solar cells. However, owing to the intensive intermolecular interactions, the non-functionalized PDI molecules showed high tendency of aggregation in solid film, which leads to poor device performance.
对苯二异氰酸酯(PPDI)_化工百科 - ChemBK
对苯二异氰酸酯的主要用途是作为有机合成的中间体。 它可以用于合成聚氨酯、聚合物和氨酯树脂等高分子化合物。 这些高分子化合物广泛用于涂料、胶黏剂、弹性体、塑料和泡沫材料的制造。 对苯二异氰酸酯的制法主要通过对苯二酚和维氏酸反应而得。 具体步骤涉及它们在季铵盐催化下的酯化反应,并最终通过氢氰酸或尿素的加成反应得到对苯二异氰酸酯。 1. 对苯二异氰酸酯具有刺激性,接触皮肤和眼睛可能引起发炎和烧伤。 需要采取适当的个人防护措施,如穿戴化学防护 …
Influence of para-alkyl chain length of the bay-phenyl unit on ...
2016年3月1日 · In this report, three asymmetrical perylenediimide derivatives (PDI) substituted on the bay -position with para -alkylphenyl groups were synthesized, on which the substituted alkyl side chain was n -propyl (4-PP-PDI), n -hexyl (4-HP-PDI), or n -nonyl (4-NP-PDI) group.
Cathode engineering with perylene-diimide interlayer enabling …
2020年6月1日 · Herein, we report a hydrogen-bonding interfacial material, aliphatic amine-functionalized perylene-diimide (PDINN), which simultaneously down-shifts the work function of the air stable cathodes...
低游离预聚体 - 低游离PPDI、MDI、TDI预聚体 - Urecore
中科优锐提供低游离PPDI、MDI、TDI预聚体解决方案,满足客户对产品高动态性能、耐高温、耐持久性能的性能要求。 目前,中科优锐已针对机械密封、造纸、冶金、石油、矿山等行业需求进行了针对性浇筑型材料开发,并与国内相关行业龙头企业建立了深入的技术研发及业务合作关系。
Influence of para-Alkyl Chain Length of the bay-Phenyl Unit on ...
2015年11月1日 · In this report, three asymmetrical perylenediimide derivatives (PDI) substituted on the bay-position with para-alkylphenyl groups were synthesized, on which the substituted alkyl side chain was...
Organic solar cells based on molecular perylene diimides-type ...
2025年1月7日 · Perylene-diimide (PDI)-based NFA could be synthesized via a few steps with high yields, and exhibit outstanding chemical robustness and photostability, which is suitable for the commercialization of organic solar cells (OSCs). Nowadays, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of PDI-based OSCs has exceeded 11% and run into the bottleneck.
The molecular weights Mw and Mn and the polydispersity index for all PP ...
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from polypropylene (PP) seriously restricts the application of PP in an automotive field. Herein, the traceability of VOCs from PP resins during...