Pancreatic polypeptide from rat pancreas - PubMed
Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) has been isolated from rat pancreas by gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography, and high performance liquid chromatography. The isolation was monitored with a RIA, using antibody to the carboxyl-terminal hexapeptide of bovine PP. Rat PP contains 36 amino acids and is …
Distribution of pancreatic polypeptide receptors in the rat brain
1997年6月20日 · Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) is a regulatory peptide that modulates gastrointestinal function. Previously we demonstrated PP receptors in the brainstem and interpeduncular nucleus, and the PP receptors in the brainstem appear to modulate gastric motility and pancreatic exocrine secretion.
The cloned rat pancreatic polypeptide receptor exhibits profound ... - PNAS
1996年5月14日 · Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) is produced in the islets of Langerhans and released in response to meals. It belongs to a family of peptides that also includes neuropeptide Y and peptide YY. In the present communication, we describe a rat receptor with high affinity for PP, therefore named PP1.
Developmental expression of NPY, PYY and PP in the rat ... - PubMed
1997年2月26日 · The development of rat endocrine pancreas from embryonic (E) day 12 until 30 days postpartum (P) was studied with emphasis on NPY, PYY and PP and their co-existence with insulin, glucagon and somatostatin using single and double immunostaining and in …
Developmental expression of NPY, PYY and PP in the rat pancreas …
1997年2月26日 · It has been suggested that members of the neuropeptide Y (NPY) family of regulatory peptides [NPY, peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP)] play an important role in the development of the endocrine pancreas.
The characterization of radioimmunoassay for rat pancreatic …
1992年1月2日 · Rat-PP release during insulin induced hypoglycemia in conscious rats rises from 38 ± 5 pg/ml to 261 ± 34 pg/ml (9.0 to 62.1 pM, P < 0.005) by 30 min. Additionally, the antibody used in this study cross-reacts well with mouse-PP as determined by linear serum dilution curves, thus making it useful in the measurement of murine-PP.
Distribution of pancreatic polypeptide receptors in the rat brain
1997年6月20日 · The purpose of this study is to extend our understanding of the distribution of PP receptors in the rat brain in order to determine the systems that are potentially modulated by PP. Rat brains were studied using 125 I-PP receptor autoradiography on cryostat sections of the entire brain cut in three planes (horizontal, sagittal, and coronal).
The characterization of radioimmunoassay for rat pancreatic …
Author(s): Akpan, Jones O; Havel, Peter J; Parry, Susan J; Shalwitz, Robert A; Gingerich, Ronald L | Abstract: A radioimmunoassay for the measurement of rat pancreatic polypeptide (RPP) in serum or plasma has been developed and characterized using a new guinea-pig anti-rat-PP antibody. The assay provides a high degree of sensitivity and …
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Production of a rat pancreatic polypeptide-specific monoclonal …
To test the effect of endogenous pancreatic polypeptide (PP) on rat hepatic glucose homeostasis by immunoneutralization, a rat PP-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) was produced.