StormPRO® System SN8 - Vinidex Pty Ltd
StormPRO ® is made from polypropylene which has chemical resistance suitable for aggressive or saline soils, meaning that it can be used in difficult environments. Suitable for continuous service temperatures up to 60°C and short-term discharge of up to 90°C. Below and above ground installation. Click here to access our Safety Data Sheets page.
and fittings for drainage and sewerage standards. In accordance with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment this standard specifies the requirements for polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) pipes and fittings for sewerage and drainable applications, above and below ground, inside and outside of buildings, and intended to be used...
Tubo Corrugado Saneamento Polipropileno SN8 Certificado AENOR
Os tubos de Polipropileno Corrugado de Rigidez Circunferencial SN8 (kN/m2) são produzidos de acordo com a Norma Europeia EN 13476. A construção da parede dos tubos de PP corrugado, de acordo com a referida norma corresponde à designada como Tipo B. Obtida por co-extrusão possui uma parede dupla, sendo a parede exterior corrugada de cor ...
Gama PP Duralight - Grupo Fersil
SN4 SN8 Curvas Duralight 15° SN8 (EN 13476-3) com O-Ring Acessórios PP Duralight
hdpe双壁波纹管中的SN8代表什么意思 - 百度知道
SN8代表hdpe双壁波纹管的环刚度,即:每平方米能够承受的压力大于或等于8千牛。 注:SN8也叫S2,即:SN8≥8KN/M2。 SN8: 8KN/㎡, 大概可以换算成每平方米能够承受的压力大于或等于8000kg;这是评定环刚度的一个数值 也是管材的一个等级划分。 扩展资料
s 39 INTRODUCTION Vinidex StormPRO® and SewerPRO® provide the sewer and stormwater markets with a modern pipe and fittings system for non-pr. ssure applications. StormPRO® and SewerPRO® pipes are twin-wall, corrugated polypropylene pipes for non-pressure applications, manufactured in accordan.
Tubos Duralight SN8 (EN 13476-3) com O-Ring - Grupo Fersil
O Grupo Fersil consolidou-se ao longo da sua história como líder nos sistemas de tubagem em Portugal, na África Central e Oriental.
Características Gerais: A construção da parede dos tubos de PP corrugado, de acordo com a referida norma correspondente à designada como Tipo B. Obtida por co-extrusão possui uma parede dupla, sendo a parede exterior corrugada de cor negra e …
PP Kanalrohr-System gemufft | Streng Swiss AG
Streng-duct PP-Rohre sind in den Festigkeitsklassen SN4, SN8, SN12 und SN16 erhältlich, zusätzlich sind Ausführungen als Sickerrohr, gelocht oder geschlitzt, verfügbar. Die hohe Qualität des speziell für die Anwendung optimierten PP-HM Materials steht für eine langjährige und zuverlässige Einsatzdauer der Rohre. Beratung anfordern
Tubo Corrugado - Nicolau & Rosa, Lda