The DPG designed a proof-of-concept Basic Disposable postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) Box and a Comprehensive PPH Box containing the immediate medical equipment and written procedures (treatment algorithm) for managing PPH. The main components for the Comprehensive PPH Box consist of four translucent trays / compartments.
Emergency Obstetric Kit - FOGSI
This Emergency Obstetric Kit has been developed by the Safe Motherhood Committee of FOGSI. It is easy to prepare and store and is a veritable life saver in Emergency Obstetric situations. This is to be kept in conjunction with a PPH Drug Kit for Emergency use for resuscitation achieving hemostasis and treating PPH. PPH BOX. CONDOM TAMPONADE.
-Detect women at risk to deliver at referral hospital -Available supplies in PPH box- IV fluids, cannulae, oxytocics, internal tamponade. Blood products. Routine postpartum and post caesarean section monitoring of vital signs and bleeding (NB. Accurate and early detection prevents severe PPH/adverse outcomes).
PPH kit & Emergency box - YouTube
2018年5月15日 · Pph kit is life savings box. It's contain emergency drugs and instrument for management of haemorrhagic shock after birth of baby.
Practical approaches to managing postpartum haemorrhage …
2019年11月1日 · Mortality from postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is higher in low resource settings due to increased incidence, higher case fatality rates and poor general health of the population. The challenges of managing PPH with limited resources are presented. Feasible interventions for preventing and treating PPH for home births are described.
ศึกษาข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับนวัตกรรม pph box เพื่อที่จะใส่ยาหลายๆ ช่องทาง เช่น จากอินเตอร์เน็ต
什么是PPH储罐?与传统储罐相比,有何优势? - 知乎专栏
2024年3月5日 · PPH储罐是一种由 高性能聚丙烯 (PPH)材料制成的储罐。 与传统储罐相比,PPH储罐具有许多优势。 首先,PPH材料具有优异的耐腐蚀性,可以抵抗多种化学物质的侵蚀,这使得PPH储罐在存储腐蚀性物质时具有更长的使用寿命。 其次,PPH储罐采用 螺旋缠绕技术 制造,这种工艺可以确保储罐的结构稳定性和耐压性能。 由于螺旋缠绕工艺的特点,PPH储罐可以承受更高的压力和外部冲击,从而降低了泄漏和破裂的风险。 此外,PPH储罐还具有较低的 …
Postpartum hemorrhage kit - Ob/Gyn Nursing - allnurses
2008年12月3日 · We also have a 'quick grab' box in the fridge that includes one box each of Syntocinon, Syntometrine and Ergometrine.
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is one of the main causes of maternal death worldwide. It is an obstetric emergency that needs to be managed promptly and effectively to reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality. PPH is defined as blood loss greater than 500 mLs and continuing.
2024年5月15日 · 产品分类: pph储罐. 产品介绍: 罐体采用挤出缠绕工艺,生产周期短,加工成本低,模具规格齐全,可设计性强,广泛应用于新能源、钛白粉、湿法冶炼、化工、食品、农药、医药、印染、环保、轻工、石油等行业的液体危化品存储。加入优质抗老化剂,可在 ...