PPSh-41 - Wikipedia
The PPSh-41 (Russian: Пистоле́т-пулемёт Шпа́гина-41, romanized: Pistolét-pulemyót Shpágina-41, lit. 'Shpagin's machine-pistol-41') is a selective-fire, open-bolt, blowback …
PPSh-41冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
5 天之前 · PPSh是一款采用开膛待击和自由枪机原理运作的击发调变式 自动火器。 该枪为苏联红军步兵在二战中的标志性装备之一,到战争结束时已有约600万把交付部队使用。除此以 …
PPSh-41冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
斯帕金41式沖鋒槍 (俄语: Пистолет-Пулемёт Шпагина-41, 羅馬化:Pistolet-Pulemyot Shpagina-41)是一款由 苏联 在 二战 期間所研製及生產的 冲锋枪,發射 7.62×25毫米托卡列 …
PPSh41冲锋枪(英文:PPSh41 Submachine Gun [7],又译为:波波沙冲锋枪,又名:人民冲锋枪、人民转轮枪 [1]),是苏联第二次世界大战期间研制列装的冲锋枪。 PPSh41冲锋枪由前 …
Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
PPSH 41 Rifle , semi auto, 762 x 25 , Based on the famous WW2 Russian Assault rifle also know as the Burp Gun, production started in 1941, Used by the Russian Army during World War 2 …
PPSH-41 Russian Kit - Atlantic Firearms
Georgy Shpagin designed the PPSh-41 Soviet submachine gun as a cheaper, more reliable and simpler alternative to PPD-40. The weapon was often called "papasha" in Russian, meaning …
PPSh-41 markings and other issue - AK Rifles
2015年6月13日 · I've just acquired a 71 years old PPSh-41 ( year of manufacture - 1944 ) and despite my internet research attempts I still don't know much about that particular pistol. I'll be …
波波沙冲锋枪:二战时苏军的一代神枪,战后为何迅速被AK47取 …
2021年9月25日 · 波波沙的正式名称是“ppsh-41冲锋枪”。是一款由苏联第一代枪神格奥尔基·谢苗诺维奇·什帕金在ppd-40的基础上研制出来的新式冲锋枪。 在许多游戏以及影视作品中,波波沙 …
POTD: PPSh AK | thefirearmblog.com
2016年5月27日 · As you can see from the photo it is an AK with a PPSh barrel shroud attached almost like a free float rail system. The part that looks suspicious to me is the gas block. It …
Polish PPSH-41 Receiver - AK Rifles
2023年3月27日 · A forum community dedicated to AK rifle and AK variant rifle owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, builds, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, …
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