Postpartum hemorrhage | PPT - SlideShare
2018年8月3日 · This document discusses postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), including its causes, prevention, and management. PPH is a leading cause of maternal mortality, with uterine atony being the most common cause. The document defines primary (early) PPH as occurring within 24 hours of delivery, and secondary (late) PPH between 24 hours and 6 weeks postpartum.
post partum haemorrhage | PPT - SlideShare
2018年10月13日 · This document provides an overview of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). It defines PPH, classifies it as primary (occurring within 24 hours of birth) or secondary (occurring beyond 24 hours), and describes the types including uterine atony, trauma, and retained tissues.
Pph | PPT - SlideShare
2013年2月12日 · This document provides an overview of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). It defines PPH, classifies it as primary (occurring within 24 hours of birth) or secondary (occurring beyond 24 hours), and describes the types including uterine atony, trauma, and retained tissues.
Postpartum Hemorrhage - ppt download - SlidePlayer
POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE [ PPH ] Definition: More than 500 ml of blood loss following normal vaginal delivery of the fetus or 1000ml following Cesarean section. Clinically the amount of blood loss from or into the genital tract which will adversely affect the general condition of the patient Hemorrhage leading to fall in hematocrit by 10 %.
PPT - Post partum Haemorrhage PowerPoint Presentation
2019年10月29日 · Primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) • The traditional definition of primary PPH is the loss of 500 ml or more of blood from the genital tract within 24 hours of the birth of a baby. • Secondary PPH is defined as abnormal or excessive bleeding from the birth canal between 24 hours and 12 weeks postnatal.
PPT - Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) PowerPoint Presentation, …
2020年1月5日 · Objectives • Define postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) • Discuss the risk factors and possible causes for PPH • Describe the preventative measures to take to prevent a PPH • Discuss the management of PPH • Explain the risks to maternal morbidity and mortality of PPH
PPT - POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE PowerPoint Presentation, …
2014年7月26日 · Postpartum Hemorrhage. Learning Objectives. Define and differentiate between early and late PPH. Identify causes and risk factors of PPH. Identify symptoms and signs of PPH and list the laboratory investigations. 2.06k views • 47 slides
Postpartum Haemorrhage PowerPoint Presentation
This medical PowerPoint presentation is about postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), which is defined as excessive bleeding, typically greater than 500 ml, occurring within 24 hours after childbirth. PPH is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality worldwide, and it can occur due to a number of different factors, including uterine atony, retained ...
Postpartum hemorrhage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
PPH remained one of the top 3 causes of direct maternal deaths. Incidence 4 after vaginal delivery ; 6,5 after CS delivery ; 4 We have 4 problems. Problem 1 almost 50 of deliveries lose gt500 ml of blood. Problem 2 estimated blood loss is often less than half the actual blood loss. Problem 3 Most of the serious causes of PPH
Post Partum Hemorrhage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Initial management of PPH 20. check patient status. early recognition of PPH. monitor vital signs and oxygen. establish IV access, place urinary catheter. Baseline lab value. Alert anesthesia and blood bank. Central hemodynamic monitoring. Correct anemia and coagulation disorders and blood products. 21 Determine underlying cause of PPH