Praga: Merian c. 1650 – The Antiquarium Antique Maps | Quality …
"A Good Contrafacture of the Famous Royal Capital Prague in Bohemia, as it is in the Present day." View of Prague in the present-day Czech Republic along the banks of the River Vltava.
Great View of Prague - Wikipedia
Detail, Das Schloss, the castle district In the Hollar catalog prints placed under number P880 (a-c). The etching was published in Antwerp in 1649 and was inserted into Topographia Bohemiae, Moraviae et Silesiae (Topographia Germaniae), published 1650.He left shortly after to create another perspective, his great view of London in 1647.
Stará mapa - Praga. Prag, Praha, mědirytina, mědiryt, Karel Škréta ...
Rok vydání: 1650. Praha. "Praga. Prag". Původní mědirytina podle K. Škréty. Merian, Topographia Bohemiae, Frankfurt nad Mohanem, 1650. Panoramatický pohled na Prahu od jihu z dnešních Vinohrad. S figurami v popředí a 5 erby nad městem. 20:65 cm. Tištěno ze 2 desek, sesazeno. - Nebehay-Wagner 406/19.20.; Lazarová, Lukas: Praha.
Praga - mapy.mzk.cz
Publishing Details: [Frankfurt a. M. : Merian, 1650?] Geographic Names: Praha (Česko). The bibliographic record in the library catalogue / MARC21 / Download image
Timeline of Prague - Wikipedia
The following is a timeline of the history of the city of Prague, Czech Republic. 10th C. - Vyšehrad (the "upper castle") is built. [1] Prague is one of the biggest slave markets in Europe as a center of the Prague slave trade. [2] St. George's Convent established in Prague Castle. St. George's Basilica building expanded.
PRAGA, 1650 - Art and Antiques 2018/05/26 - Dorotheum
A View of Prague from the east, from the hills of today Vinohrady, a part of the New Town with the fortification wall and gates in the foreground, Prague Castle in the background, together with a part of Lesser Town and Strahov Monastery, with the signs of the Old Town, Vyšehrad, Lesser Town, Prague Castle and the New Town in the skycopperplate engraving based on the design of …
Praga regni Bohemiae metropolis - Library of Congress
"Privilegium Caesareae maiestatis, which occurs in each volume generally on the reverse of the title page, refers to Francis Hogenberg as the author's collaborator."--Phillips. Colophon of v. 1: Coloniae Agrippinae, apud Petrum à Brachel, sumptibus auctorum. Colophon of v. 6: Colonię Agrippinę, Antonius Hierat & Abrahamus Hoghenberg. Collaborators and artists whose works these maps were ...
PRAGA, 1650 - Kunst und Antiquitäten 26.05.2018 - Dorotheum
Blick auf Prag von Osten her, von der Anhöhe des heutigen Stadtteils Vinohrady, im Vordergrund Teil der Neustadt mit Festungsmauern und Toren, im Hintergrund die Prager Burg, ein Teil der Kleinseite und des Klosters Strahov, im Himmel Wappen der Altstadt, der Prager Hochburg Vyšehrad, der Kleinseite, des Hradschins und der NeustadtKupferstich nach einer Vorlage von Karel Škréta, Stecher ...
Praga. Prag von MERIAN, Matthaus: very good(+) unbound (1650…
Image measures 7.75" x 25 3/8". Exquisite panoramic view of Prague, showing the walls and fields around the city. Includes three coats of arms and two royal seals. Minor aging along edges. In three panels. Very light scattered foxing. Matthaus Merian (1593-1650), was a draughtsman, topographical engraver, and publisher from Switzerland. - Praga ...
Praga by Merian Matthäus (1593-1650): (1649) Map - AbeBooks
Carta vergellata con filigrana. Margini laterali bianchi aggiunti, altrimenti ottimo esemplare in nitida impressione. - Praga