Pray for Senegal — Worldprayer.net
Let’s Pray…-God, we pray for your people to be sent to Senegal, and for your evangelicals to spread your gospel throughout Senegal. We pray that you God would pour out your spirit on all people in Senegal, that their sons and daughters would prophecy, that their old men would dream dreams, and their young men would see visions.*
Senegal - Prayercast
Jan 23, 2025 · Pray for indigenous churches to be planted among many unreached people groups. Senegal is an atypical African country that defies most people’s expectations. Home to at least twelve diverse ethnic groups and one of the most stable democracies in Africa, the nation has fostered a reputation of mediation, tolerance, and acceptance.
Pray for Senegal - Pray1040
Learn about and pray for Senegal in just 5 minutes per week! Receive one email per week for 13 weeks about Senegal’s history, geography, persecution profile, and largest unreached people groups.
Senegal - Operation World
Pray for the spiritual breakthrough that many wait for! Dakar, the capital, is the most strategic location for evangelizing the entire country. It hosts over 25% of the nation’s population as well as representatives of every ethnic group. From 15 evangelical groups meeting in …
Pray for Senegal - Prayer and Intercession - prayway.com
Pray for Senegal. Let's join together in prayer and intercession for Senegal. Please post prayers for the people, churches, leaders, and government of each nation in the Pray for the Nations Forum. You can see the current Nation of the Day on the PrayWay Calendar. Here is some helpful information to study as you pray for this nation...
Senegal – Prayer.Africa
Father we pray for Senegal. Lord, we ask that You will bring spiritual breakthroughs amidst the Muslim majority, many of whom are powerful, well-organized and increasingly aggressive. Lord Jesus, we pray also for the few evangelical believers to persevere while boldly living out their faith and for Muslims to come to Christ as a result.
Pray for Senegal - thefieldistheworld.com
Pray for continued religious freedom and stronger Christian witness in Senegal. Specifically for the private Christian schools. They are partially funded by the government if they meet educational standards, and the majority of students attending are Muslim.
Pray for Senegal - Omega Project 2
Pray for the Spirit to spark a major revival among the Senegalese believers that will touch the entire nation for Christ. Ask God to turn the political atmosphere in favour of the Church and
Prayer for Senegal - Evangelical Church of the Augsburg …
1st of January we pray in our parishes for Senegal. God of love and grace! We open Our hearts and cry out to you in prayer. You are the shield and support of our lives, therefore in You we seek refuge. We thank You for Your incomprehensible love revealed in the cross and the gift of salvation given to us through Jesus Christ.
Senegal - Aglow Global Prayer
Pray for the protection of the innocent – especially those who are vulnerable and without the means to protect themselves. Pray for spiritual awakening that all would come to Christ and know that God is our Provider, Protector, and Salvation.