Red Blood Cell Aplasia - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Pure red blood cell aplasia (PRCA) describes a type of anemia brought about by the marrow’s inability to produce these cells. An autoimmune disease, PRCA can result from drugs, viral infections, herpes, parvovirus B19 (fifth disease), hepatitis or HIV. Children can also be born with PRCA (Blackfan-Diamond syndrome).
Responsible Business Alliance
2024年12月5日 · The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) is the world's largest industry coalition dedicated to responsible business conduct in global supply chains.
Acquired pure red cell aplasia: updated review of treatment
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a syndrome characterized by a severe normocytic anaemia, reticulocytopenia, and absence of erythroblasts from an otherwise normal bone marrow. Primary PRCA, or secondary PRCA which has not responded to treatment of the underlying disease, is treated as an immunologically-mediated disease.
Incidence of acquired pure red cell aplasia: a nationwide …
2022年12月27日 · Acquired pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare syndrome characterized by anemia with reticulocytopenia and a marked reduction in erythroid precursors. Given its rarity, the true incidence is largely unknown, and epidemiological data representing the general population, with a description of the full spectrum of etiologies, are scarce.
Pure Red Cell Aplasia - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Pure red-cell aplasia is a rare disease that may be congenital or acquired. The latter is often associated with a thymoma and sometimes with chronic mucocutaneous candidosis. These patients need regular blood transfusions and are therefore …
Pure red cell aplasia - UpToDate
Acquired pure red cell aplasia ( PRCA) is a rare cause of profound anemia characterized by a very low reticulocyte count and the virtual absence of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow. All other cell … …EPO-associated PRCA are limited to case reports .
Pure Red Cell Aplasia - PubMed
2024年2月24日 · Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare disorder that presents with anemia from failure of erythropoiesis. This condition is characterized by normocytic, normochromic anemia with associated reticulocytopenia and absent or infrequent erythroblasts in the bone marrow.
RBA責任商業聯盟懶人包:申請流程、行為準則一次看 - 興通國際
21 小时之前 · 在RBA旗下有一套專屬的 驗證評估審核操作手册 「RBA VAP(Validated Assessment Program)」,旨第3方驗證機構基於RBA責任商業聯盟行為準則,來 評估和驗證成員企業的社會責任表現,並提供持續改進的指導和支持。
Acquired pure red cell aplasia: updated review of treatment
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a syndrome characterized by a severe normocytic anaemia, reticulocytopenia, and absence of erythroblasts from an otherwise normal bone marrow. Primary PRCA, or secondary PRCA which has not responded to treatment of the underlying disease, is treated as an immunologically-mediated disease.
责任商业联盟(RBA)认证全面介绍 - 知乎
2023年7月25日 · 什么是RBA认证? 责任商业联盟(RBA,即前电子行业公民联盟 [EICC])的行为准则旨在建立各种标准,以确保电子汽车行业或以电子产品为关键要素的行业及其供应链的工作环境安全,工人受到尊重并享有尊严,且经营活动符…