技术科普 | 译前编辑——是“鸡肋”还是“福报”? - 知乎
2022年11月30日 · 但是可能很多人还并不了解有一个同样名为“PE”的孪生双胞胎“译前编辑(pre-editing)”。 译前编辑的工作主要是 对加工前的毛坯进行打磨 ,提升机器翻译的准确度和生产质量。
Pre-editing - Wikipedia
Pre-editing is the process whereby a human prepares a document before applying machine translation. [1] The main goal of pre-editing is to reduce the post-editing workload by adapting the source document to improve the raw output of the machine translation.
Pre-editing: what is it, and where will it lead? - eurolanguage ...
2021年8月23日 · Pre-editing is for machines, while translation into plain language is for human beings. Plain language strives to convey the content of a text in an explanatory way. The main goal of pre-editing is to make more efficient use of the computer.
Understanding Pre-Editing for Black-Box Neural Machine …
2021年2月5日 · Pre-editing is the process of modifying the source text (ST) so that it can be translated by machine translation (MT) in a better quality. Despite the unpredictability of black-box neural MT (NMT), pre-editing has been deployed in various practical MT use cases.
Teaching Pre-editing for Chinese-to-English MT: An ... - Springer
2023年8月30日 · This paper aims to explore whether the training in pre-editing based on controlled Chinese rules can help students better cooperate with machine translation (MT) to deliver more accurate and effective English MT output. Three main controlled Chinese rules are …
Machine translation pre-editing (Quick guide) - GAI
2024年9月2日 · Pre-editing is an opportunity to optimise machine translation workflows. By following best practices and tailoring pre-editing to each project, businesses can get more accurate, consistent, and culturally relevant translations.
MTPE:译后编辑还是译前编辑 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
作为译后编辑上游的环节,译前编辑可以对原文进行预处理和控制:有效的译前编辑可以明显降低译后编辑的工作量甚至在一定程度上替代译后编辑。 译前编辑做什么? 既然是对翻译前的原文进行编辑,那么译前编辑的标准是什么呢? 由于译前编辑的最终目标是帮助提升译文的质量,那么评判译前编辑是否到位的标准就不应该是“原文是否更流畅更优美”,而是“机器能不能翻译对”,也就是说负责译前编辑时需要首先理解机器翻译的特性,并以此为指导对原文进行能够适应机器翻译 …
2021年7月19日 · As its name suggests, “pre-editing” consists of preparing the source text so that the engine “understands” it better, which optimises the end result. It’s like making an initial investment only to reap the rewards later. The important thing is to identify when it is necessary to invest time and resources in it.
Pre-editing involves the use of a set of terminological and stylistic guidelines or rules to prepare the original text before translation automation to improve the raw output quality.
Pre-editing - SpringerLink
2024年6月4日 · Pre-editing means making modifications to your text so that you stand a greater chance of a machine translator or chatbot accurately rendering your text in English. This chapter tells you how to pre-edit your text either for subsequent:
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