PFP-Pred 2.0 server: Predicting protein fold types - SJTU
Hong-Bin Shen and Kuo-Chen Chou, "Ensemble classifier for protein folding pattern recognition". Bioinformatics, 2006, 22: 1717-22.
PFP-Pred server
Application scope: PFP-Pred server covers the following 27 protein fold types:(1) globin-like, (2) cytochrome c, (3) DNA-binding 3-helical bundle, (4) 4-helical up ...
A new taxonomy-based protein fold recognition approach based …
2009年8月25日 · Shen and Chou presented an ensemble classifier called PFP-Pred, which improves the accuracy to 62% on the same dataset used by Ding and Dubchak .
Predicting protein fold pattern with functional domain and …
2009年2月7日 · In that study (Shen and Chou, 2006), a predictor called PFP-Pred was established for identifying the folding patterns of a query protein among its 27 possible types (Ding and Dubchak, 2001). PFP-Pred was constructed by fusing five different features extracted by Ding and Dubchak (2001) and some sequence-order effects through pseudo amino acid ...
PFP-Pred 2.0 – Protein Fold Prediction – My Biosoftware ...
PFP-Pred 2.0:: DESCRIPTION. PFP-Pred is an ensemble classifier for protein fold pattern recognition
Shen Group (Hong-Bin Shen) - SJTU
Pred-PFR: Prediction of protein folding rates from primary sequence by fusing multiple sequential features. Cell-PLoc 2.0: a package of web-servers for predicting subcellular localization of...
PFP-Pred – My Biosoftware – Bioinformatics Softwares Blog
“ Ensemble classifier for protein folding pattern recognition “. Bioinformatics, 2006, 22: 1717-22.
CAFA-eval-lite/pfp_predproj.m at master - GitHub
A lite Matlab toolbox for evaluating protein function predictors (CAFA protocal) - yuxjiang/CAFA-eval-lite
CAFA2/matlab/pfp_predprop.m at master - GitHub
Matlab Evaluation codes for the 2nd CAFA experiment - yuxjiang/CAFA2
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