Is Preform a good slicer? - Formlabs Community Forum
2020年10月1日 · Q1: How does Preform stack up against other slicers? I hear a lot of good things about Chitubox. Q2: Can other slicers be used with the Form 3? Q3: If you can and do use another slicer, can you open the files in Preform and then upload them to the printer via. the internet connection and monitor the prints and manage resin usage via. dashboard?
3rd party slicer? - General Discussion - Formlabs Community Forum
2018年8月22日 · Hi everybody, I was wondering if there is a 3rd party slicer that is compatible with the Form2 printer (paid of free). I’m a researcher at a bio-fluids lab and we use the printer to create casting molds for optical silicone. The molds are of biological structures (mainly human air-ways) which means that support placement and management is crucial (this is the main complaint). Other than the ...
Preform 1.5.2: slicer fill display question/mystery - Support ...
2014年7月26日 · It definitely looks like PreForm slicer is not interpreting your geometry as intended. What software did you use to export the models? I have seen this kind of behavior emerge for multiple bodies intersecting with zero-thickness spacing or with features < 0.1 mm. Exporting your model to STL/OBJ in a different manner could help.
"booleans" via the Preform Slicer? - Formlabs Community Forum
2014年8月27日 · I was playing around with some inverted geometry (inward normals) as a means of creating “hollows” more simply inside an otherwise solid mesh in Preform. As far as I can tell, the slicer does a fairly sane job of subtracting “inverted” objects from the inside of a solid object. I have had success (as far as Preform shows) both with …
PreForm: Separate disjoint geometry - Formlabs Community Forum
2021年3月5日 · This is treated differently by the slicer than if the parts are actually a union of the two sets of geometry. That never has appeared, and currently does not appear, to be the case (and wouldn’t be the intent of such a model anyways once it’s brought into PreForm); the slicer effectively unions everything regardless of connectivity:
Preform slicing speed - Page 2 - General Discussion - Formlabs ...
2019年7月5日 · It’s not how large or how much area a print is taking or even how long it takes to print it. You can have a 5" cube, sliced at 0.025, and it will take a day to print, simply because there will be some 5000+ layers, yet the geometry is super simplistic, and the slicer should only take a minute or so to do the job and upload the model. But then you give it a very complicated model with lots of ...
Should objects not recommended to lay flat on build-plate?
2019年6月12日 · In these two PreForm screenshots, there’s the same part. The picture with the 45 degree tilt is what one-click print did. The other one was me just putting it flat to the build plate and then generating auto-supports. Clearly PreForm is doing what it’s doing for a reason.
How to activate/adjust anti-alisasing? - Formlabs Community Forum
2024年6月19日 · I’m new to Formlabs (PreForm slicer). Thanks for your help! system Closed December 19, 2024, 7:42am ...
Is Chitubox software compatible with the Form 3?
2024年3月25日 · Hello! The Form 3 3D printer is designed to work seamlessly with Formlabs’ own slicing software, PreForm. Unfortunately, Chitubox is not compatible with the Form 3. You’ll need to use PreForm for the pre-printing preparation of your models. PreForm is specifically optimized for Formlabs printers and will ensure the best results for your prints.
Favorite alternative to Preform for supports - Support ...
2021年10月1日 · There’s not much activity about alternatives. My issue is that Preform is generating so many supports the structure becomes solid, even when I’ve reduced the settings to 50 density, 50 slope. It takes hours to remove the structure. The alternative in Preform is to manually place supports, which will take almost as long, as the model is as large as will fit in a 3L, and has long and thin ...