This giant salamanderlike creature lived 40 million years before ...
2024年7月3日 · WASHINGTON (AP) — Scientists have revealed fossils of a giant salamanderlike beast with sharp fangs that ruled waters before the first dinosaurs arrived. The predator, which …
Before the Dinosaurs, This Massive Salamander ... - Smithsonian Magazine
2024年7月5日 · Some 40 million years before the dinosaurs dominated Earth, a different sort of apex predator roamed the Gondwana supercontinent during the late Palaeozoic ice age: a …
Andrias matthewi - Wikipedia
Andrias matthewi, or Matthew's giant salamander, [4] is an extinct species of giant salamander from the Miocene of North America. It belongs to the genus Andrias, which contains the living …
Giant salamander-like predator with fangs existed 40 million years ...
2024年7月3日 · Scientists have revealed fossils of a giant salamander-like beast with sharp fangs that ruled waters before the first dinosaurs arrived. The animal, researchers say, is roughly...
Razor-toothed prehistoric salamander was size of a car
2015年3月24日 · Fossil remains of a salamander-like amphibian, which was the size of a car and lived during the rise of the dinosaurs, have been discovered in Portugal. Writing in the Journal …
Scientists identify salamanderlike predator that existed before the ...
2024年7月3日 · WASHINGTON (AP) — Scientists have revealed fossils of a giant salamanderlike beast with sharp fangs that ruled waters before the first dinosaurs arrived. The predator, which …
A Prehistoric Giant Salamander With Fangs May Redraw an …
2024年7月3日 · An amphibian hailing from a lineage thought to be extinct 40 million years prior to its existence is making researchers reconsider the history and role of stem tetrapods.
Prehistoric super salamander was top predator, fossils suggest
2015年3月24日 · Palaeontologists identified the prehistoric species -- which looked like giant salamanders -- after excavating bones buried on the site of an ancient lake in southern Portugal.
Giant salamander-like creature was a top predator in the ice age …
2024年7月3日 · Forty million years before the first dinosaurs evolved, a ferocious predator lurked in swampy waters. Its skull alone was over two feet long. It lay in wait, its jaws open wide, …
Fossils show huge salamanderlike predator with sharp fangs …
2024年7月3日 · Scientists have revealed fossils of a giant salamanderlike beast with sharp fangs that ruled waters before the first dinosaurs arrived. The predator, which was larger than a …
Ancient salamander was hidden inside mystery rock for 50 years – …
2022年7月15日 · Palaeontologists had the first hints of evidence of an extinct salamander species 30 years ago when parts of fossilised backbone and jaw bones were found near Oxford in …
Massive prehistoric Salamander fossil discovered, predating
2024年7月4日 · In a groundbreaking discovery, paleontologists have unearthed the fossilised remains of a colossal salamander-like creature that ruled as a top predator long before the age …
Prehistoric Salamander Predator Whatcheeria Indicates …
2022年11月29日 · Whatcheeria was one lake-dwelling species six feet long with a salamander-like shape and a long, slender head; its bones have been uncovered in a stone quarry close to …
Prehistoric super salamander was top predator, fossils suggest - Phys.org
2015年3月23日 · Palaeontologists identified the prehistoric species - which looked like giant salamanders - after excavating bones buried on the site of an ancient lake in southern …
Giant Prehistoric Salamanders Found | Youngzine History
2015年3月29日 · An extraordinary creature indeed! A team of paleontologists identified at least 10 of these super-salamanders, from a jumble of bones unearthed in Portugal. And this seems to …
Prehistoric super salamander was top predator, fossils suggest
2015年3月25日 · Palaeontologists identified the prehistoric species – which looked like giant salamanders – after excavating bones buried on the site of an ancient lake in southern …
Giant salamander-like beast was top predator before the …
2024年7月5日 · Meet Gaiasia jennyae, an ancient swamp creature with a skull oddly resembling a toilet seat. Its hunting strategy involved lying in wait, with jaws wide open, ready to capture any …
Meet the super salamander that nearly ate your ancestors for breakfast
2015年3月24日 · Say hello to one of the strangest creatures to ever call our planet home: a giant salamander-like amphibian that lurked in the waters of Europe more than 200m years ago. My …
230 Million-Year-Old Salamander-Like Fossils Reveal Astonishing ...
2024年12月8日 · In a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers described a new species of fossil amphibian preserved in torpedo-shaped …
prehistoric salamander-like creature may have looked like. Researchers discovered a giant salamander-like predator that lived about 280 million years ago, using fossils recovered from …