Preparing for Earthquakes | Earthquakes | CDC - Centers for …
2024年2月16日 · The key to surviving an earthquake and reducing your risk of injury lies in planning, preparing, and practicing what you and your loved ones will do if it happens. Drop, cover, and hold on during your earthquake drill. Create an emergency supply kit and prepare your home for earthquakes.
What can I do to be prepared for an earthquake?
There are four basic steps you can take to be more prepared for an earthquake: Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing moveable items. Plan to be safe by creating a disaster plan and deciding how you will communicate in an emergency. Organize disaster supplies in convenient locations.
Earthquake Safety | Earthquake Preparedness | Red Cross
Learn what to do during an earthquake, and how to strengthen your home to prepare for an earthquake. Need Help Now? If you are in immediate need of help, please contact your local Red Cross » or find an open shelter » An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the earth caused by the shifting of underground rock.
Earthquakes - Ready.gov
The best time to prepare for any disaster is before it happens. Practice how to protect yourself during earthquakes, with family and coworkers. Make an Emergency Plan: Create a family emergency communications plan that has an out-of-state contact. Plan where to …
Get prepared for an earthquake - Province of British Columbia
5 天之前 · Take the following steps to stay safe. When you feel the ground shake or receive an alert, immediately: Drop to your hands and knees. If you’re inside, stay inside – don’t run outdoors or to other rooms. Cover your head and neck with your arm and take shelter under a …
Earthquakes: Before, During, and After | Earthquakes | CDC
2024年2月16日 · Preparation, planning, and practice are key to surviving an earthquake. Learn what actions you can take to prepare for an earthquake and what you can do to help keep yourself and your loved ones safe during and after an earthquake.
How to Prepare for an Earthquake - California Academy of Sciences
We don’t know when the next major earthquake will happen, but we can take action now to prepare to survive it and minimize impact. Preparedness starts with a plan. For cities and agencies, this means working with engineers to retrofit older structures and design new buildings, bridges, and highways to withstand an earthquake as best as possible.
Take action now, before an earthquake hits. • Secure items that might fall and cause injuries (e.g., bookshelves, mirrors, light fixtures). • Practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On by participating in a ShakeOut earthquake drill (www.ShakeOut.org). • Store critical supplies and documents.
Prepare | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
Actions you can take to prepare your home for the shaking from an earthquake. General and technical information, maps, and links to warning centers. Many excellent resources from the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) for Public Education and Preparedness, K-14 Earthquake Education, and Experiential Learning and Career Advancement.
Earthquake safety tips, preparation, and readiness - National …
FEMA has some handy guides to help steer you through the fundamentals of earthquake-resistant design and construction. The stuff inside your home is just as important as the walls themselves....