Alex Stivala - Pro-origami - Google Sites
2024年5月22日 · Pro-origami is a system for automatically generating protein structure cartoons. The cartoons are intended to make protein structure easy to interpret by laying out...
Monash University | Study at Monash Uni | Melbourne
Monash University | Study at Monash Uni | Melbourne
Pro-origami – Protein Structure Cartoons – My Biosoftware ...
2023年3月12日 · Pro-origami is a system for automatically generating protein structure cartoons. The cartoons are intended to make protein structure easy to interpret by laying out the secondary and super-secondary structure in two dimensions in a manner that makes the structure clear.
求绘制蛋白质二级拓扑结构的工具 - 分子模拟 (Molecular …
2021年5月22日 · 搜了搜论坛,发现这个网站http://munk.cis.unimelb.edu.au/pro-origami/但是做的图好丑,请问有没有其它工具推荐?,计算化学公社
GitHub - fomightez/pro-origami-binder: Alex Stivala & colleagues' Pro …
Alex Stivala & colleagues' Pro-origami software for making protein structure topology wiring diagrams bundled up for use via MyBinder-served Jupyter sessions. Click on the 'launch binder' badge to get started using the software on a temporary remote system witout any installation, login, or touching your own system.
Automatic generation of protein structure cartoons with Pro-origami ...
2011年10月12日 · Pro-origami is an approach for automatically generating protein structure cartoons in a systematic fashion, similar to those that might be manually produced via human cognition and depicted using TopDraw. β-strands and α-helices are drawn as arrows and cylinders, respectively, proportional in length to the number of residues they contain. β ...
蛋白质拓扑结构的绘制 - Powered by Discuz!
2012年10月25日 · 现在能找到的比较好用的网站为pro-origami(http://munk.csse.unimelb.edu.au/pro-origami/index.shtml),它是由澳大利亚墨尔本大学的研究人员开发的一个用于自动生成蛋白质拓扑结构图的网站。只要你提供pdb文件,它就会自动生成拓扑结构图;当然,还有一个更为方便的方法 ...
Automatic generation of protein structure cartoons with Pro-origami
2011年12月1日 · Here we apply a breakthrough in diagram layout to protein topology cartoons, providing clear, accurate, interactive and editable diagrams, which are also an interface to a structural search method. Availability: Pro-origami is available via a web server at http://munk.csse.unimelb.edu.au/pro-origami.
Software - IALab: Immersive Analytics Lab
Pro-origami: Protein Structure Cartoons. Pro-origami is a system for automatically generating protein structure cartoons. The cartoons are intended to make protein structure easy to interpret by laying out the secondary and super-secondary structure in two dimensions in a manner that makes the structure clear.
pro-origami-binder/README.md at main - GitHub
Alex Stivala & colleagues' Pro-origami software for making protein structure topology wiring diagrams bundled up for use via MyBinder-served Jupyter sessions. Click on the 'launch binder' badge to get started using the software on a temporary remote system witout any installation, login, or touching your own system.