Promag 10D - Endress+Hauser
Combined with the highly cost-effective Promag 10 transmitter, Promag 10D is the ideal solution for measurement of liquids for various applications and available in a compact or remote version.
Proline Promag D 10 electromagnetic flowmeter
The wafer flowmeter Promag D is designed for all basic water applications where space is at a minimum. With its straightforward hard- and software design, Promag D 10 simplifies every step in its life cycle from engineering to servicing at usual Endress+Hauser quality. Heartbeat Technology ensures measurement reliability and compliant verification.
Promag系列流量计可以在多种不同的过程条件下进 行高精度测量,是一种经济的流量测量解决方案。 Proline 系列变送器具有下列优点:
Proline Promag D 10 电磁流量计
Promag D电磁流量计采用夹持式安装方式,适用于安装在空间狭小的水行业基本应用场合中使用。 Promag D 10的软硬件设计均直观明了,在保证Endress+Hauser高品质的前提下, 大大简化了仪表从设计到服务全生命周期内的每一步操作。
E+H Proline Promag 10D Electromagnetic Flow Meter
The E+H Proline Promag 10D electromagnetic flow meter is designed for applications where space is at a minimum. The 10D features innovative housing construction for easy, fast centering of the sensor, and the meter's design prevents pressure loss due to cross-section constriction.
Promag 10D | Endress+Hauser
Promag D采用夹持式设计,适用于极狭小空间。 它是水行业基本应用的首选。 与高性价比的Promag 10变送器相结合,Promag 10D成为了各类应用中液体测量的理想解决方案。
Endress+Hauser Proline Promag 10D Technical Information
View and Download Endress+Hauser Proline Promag 10D technical information online. Electromagnetic flow measuring system. Proline Promag 10D measuring instruments pdf manual download.
Proline Promag 10D 电磁流量计 经济型一体式夹持型流量计 应用 •电磁测量原理完全不受压力、密度、温度和粘度的影响 •适用于常见水应用;优化用于有限空间和塑料管道安装 仪表特性 •短安装长度和轻质量 •内置不锈钢接地环 •国际饮用水认证 •两行显示 ...
Promag 10D | PPT - SlideShare
2014年4月24日 · The document provides product information for the Proline Promag 10D electromagnetic flowmeter for measuring conductive liquids like water. Key specifications of the Promag 10D include measurement ranges up to 10 m/s, minimum conductivity of 50 μS/cm, operating temperature up to 60°C, accuracy of ±0.5% of reading, and pressure rating up to ...
Detailed information is provided in the Operating Instructions and the additional documentation on the CD-ROM supplied. The measuring device is to be used only for measuring the flow of conductive liquids in closed pipes. Most liquids can be measured as …