Promag 53W - Endress+Hauser
Promag W is the specialized sensor for all applications in the water industry. Combined with the Promag 53 transmitter with touch control, 4-line display and extended functionality like software options for filling and dosing, electrode cleaning or advanced diagnostics, Promag 53W offers highest accuracy in the most complex and demanding ...
Promag 53W | Endress+Hauser
Promag W是适用于水行业所有用途的专业传感器。 结合Promag 53型变送器的触摸控制、4行背光文字显示、高级软件功能如灌装、电极清洗或高级设备故障诊断,Promag 53W为最复杂,要求最苛刻的作业任务提供最精确的测量。
Proline Promag 50W, 53W Endress+Hauser 3 Function and system design Measuring principle Following Faraday's law of magnetic induction, a voltage is induced in a conductor moving through a magnetic field. In the electromagnetic measuring principle, the flowing medium is the moving conductor.
Proline Promag 50W, 53W Electromagnetic flowmeter Flow measurement of liquids in water or wastewater applications Application Electromagnetic flowmeter for bidirectional measurement of liquids with a minimum conductivity of 5 μS/cm: •Dnriknig waetr • Wastewater • Sewage sludge • Flow measurement up to 110000 m³/h (484315 gal/min)
Promag系列流量计可以在多种不同的过程条件下进行高精度测量,是一种经济的流量测量解决方案。 根据法拉第电磁感应定律,导体在磁场中运动时,会产生感应电压。 在电磁测量原理中,流动的介质相当于运动的导体。 感应电压与介质流速成比例关系。 两个测量电极检测感应电压,并将其传输至信号放大器。 基于管道横截面积,计算出介质的体积流量。 极性交替变换的开关直流电产生直流(DC)磁场。 测量系统包括一台变送器和一个传感器。 两种结构类型供用户选择: 通信板上的 …
·Promag 53W:给排水领域的最佳流量测量工具 ·Promag 55H:适用于卫生、食品、饮料等行业中非单相或含有固体,或摩擦等特殊工况的液体流量测量 产品应用
Die Promag-Messgeräte bieten Ihnen kosteneffiziente Durch-flussmessung mit hoher Messgenauigkeit für verschiedenste Prozessbedingungen. Gemäß dem Faraday’schen Induktionsgesetz wird in einem Leiter, der sich in einem Magnetfeld bewegt, eine …
Promag 53W - Endress+Hauser
Kombiniert mit dem Messumformer Promag 53 mit Touch Control, vierzeiliger Anzeige und Software-Optionen für Abfüllen, Dosieren, Elektrodenreinigung und erweiterter Diagnose offeriert Promag 53W höchste Genauigkeit auch in den kompliziertesten und anspruchsvollsten Anwendungen. Promag 53W ist als Kompakt- oder Getrenntausführung erhältlich.
Promag measuring devices offer you cost-effective flow measurement with a high degree of accuracy for a wide range of process conditions. Faraday’s law of induction states that a voltage is induced in a conductor moving in a magnetic field. In electromagnetic measuring, the flowing medium corresponds to the moving conductor.
Promag 53 - PROFIBUS
Promag measuring devices offer you cost-effective flow measurement with a high degree of accuracy for a wide range of process conditions. The Proline transmitter concept comprises: Modular device and operating concept resulting in a higher degree of efficiency; Software options for batching, electrode cleaning and for measuring pulsating flow