30F - Endress+Hauser
Dedicated to chemical and process applications with corrosive liquids and high medium temperatures. Promag 30 (Mod. 99) Technical Information. Electromagnetic Flow Measuring System for measuring the flow rate of conductive fluids. Promag 30 …
Promag Measuring System Fields of application The Promag 30 measuring system makes cost-effective, precise electromagnetic flow measurement possible. All liquids with a minimum conductivity of 5 µS/cm can be measured: •Acids, caustics, pastes, slurries, pulps •Potable water, waste water, sewage •Milk, beer, wine, mineral water, yoghurt ...
With the Promag 30 (Model '99) flow-meter most liquids can be measured provided they have a minimum conduc-tivity of ≥5 µS/cm, e.g. – acids, alkalis, pastes, pulps, – drinking water, waste water, sewage sludge, – milk, beer, wine, mineral water, yoghurt, molasses, etc. A minimum conductivity of ≥20 µS/cm is required for measuring ...
Promag measuring devices offer you cost-effective flow measurement with a high degree of accuracy for a wide range of process conditions. Faraday’s law of induction states that a voltage is induced in a conductor moving in a magnetic field. In electromagnetic measuring, the flowing medium corresponds to the moving conductor.
•un capteur Promag A, H ou F Il est entièrement modulaire, capteur et transmetteur pouvant être combinés à volonté. Le grand choix en matériaux et raccords process (raccords filetés, bri-des, DIN/ANSI/JIS, tri-clamp, etc.) per-met une parfaite adaptation aux condi-tions d’installation et de process. Système de mesure Promag 31 F / 31 H
Proline Promag – simply clever & more - Endress+Hauser
Proline Promag W 300 electromagnetic flowmeter. Specialist for demanding water and wastewater applications with a compact, easily accessible transmitter. Read more
Proline Promag W 400 电磁流量计 - Endress
Promag W 具备计量交接和饮用水国际认证,可广泛应用于各类应用。它提供一体式和分体式两种版本。Promag D 400 配备了功能强大的变送器,适用于水和污水行业,可大幅缩减时间及成本。与此同时,Heartbeat Technology 心跳技术确保了可靠测量和合规校验。
Promag 10W | Endress+Hauser
Promag 10W 可在各类应用中精确测量液体,是帮助客户尽量降低成本的首选解决方案。 Promag 10W 有一体式和分体式可选。
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Das Promag 30-Meßsystem ermöglicht eine kostengünstige und präzise, magnetisch-induktive Durchflußmessung. Alle Flüssigkeiten mit einer Mindestleit- fähigkeit von 5 µS/cm können gemessen werden: •Säuren, Laugen, Pasten, Breie, Pulpe •Trinkwasser, Abwasser, Klärschlamm •Milch, Bier, Wein, Mineralwasser, Joghurt, Melasse. Ex-Version.