GitHub - rxzyx/prodigy-hack: One of the best Prodigy hacks.
One of the best Prodigy hacks. Made by rxzyx (rzx). This is purley for education purposes. 📫 Have a problem? Just write an issue and I will do my best to respond. None for now, report to Issues …
A cheat menu for Prodigy. The ultimate tool for Prodigy Hacking!
A cheat menu for Prodigy. The ultimate tool for Prodigy Hacking! - ProdigyMathGameHacking/ProdigyX-fork
Prodigy Math Game | Level 99.999999999..... Prodigy Wizard
Hi guys!Today I'm show you a level 99.99999999...Like and subscribe 4 more epic videos bye!
how to hack prodigy to get to level 999999999999999 - YouTube
2021年4月20日 · github:https://github.com/Prodigy-Hacking/ProdigyMathGameHacking/blob/master/hacks/character/InfinityLevel.jsbookmarklet:https://caiorss.github.io/bookmarkle...
Prodigy level 999 hack - Pastebin.com
2024年11月10日 · I'm making this repository to try to get the developers to change how Prodigy handles player game data. Instead of handling everything server side, a lot of the heavy lifting …
Prodigy Hacking Extension | PHEx - Microsoft Edge Addons
Free and open source hacks for Prodigy Math Game! Hacks include Set Gold, Set Level, Set Morph, Complete Quest, and more! Also, note that our goal was to improve Prodigy's security, …
how to hack prodigy level 999999999999 | 2021 - YouTube
https://github.com/Prodigy-Hacking/ProdigyMathGameHacking/blob/master/hacks/character/uncapLvl100.jshttps://caiorss.github.io/bookmarklet …
SomebodyNamedKyeler/Prodigy-Cheat-Menu: Bookmarklet - GitHub
7: Open Prodigy (Chrome Only, and math version.) 8: Log in. 9: Click Playing at home. 10: Choose a world. 11: Click on the bookmark once in the game. 12: The cheat menu should …
rxzyx/prodigy-hack - CodeSandbox
Explore this online rxzyx/prodigy-hack sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. You can use it as a template to jumpstart your development with …
Modmenu for the game Prodigy · GitHub
2022年4月29日 · PIXI.game.prodigy.player.backpack.data.outfit[i] = {"ID": x[i].ID, "N": 99999999999999}}} function getallBoots() {PIXI.game.prodigy.player.backpack.data.boots=[] x …