Pro/ENGINEER is Now Creo - PTC
Pro/ENGINEER, CoCreate, and ProductView provide the foundational elements of the Creo vision, delivering proven performance in 2D and 3D CAD, CAE, CAM, CAID, and visualization. Creo protects your existing investment in these products and provides a smooth path to the future.
Pro/ENGINEER is now PTC Creo, but it's not just a name change it's so much more! Creo is a suite of solutions offering integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE software. What's New
Free CAD Software Trial - PTC
Get a free CAD trial of the industry’s leading software. Try Creo Parametric today with a CAD software trial and start advancing your design capabilities.
Creo & Pro/ENGINEER Downloads & Free Trials - PTC
Built from the powerful and proven elements of Pro/ENGINEER, CoCreate and ProductView, Creo has emerged as a powerful new paradigm in 3D product design. Creo offers an integrated family of solutions to help you throughout the product development process.
Creo和Proe的区别是什么?学习哪个更好? - 知乎专栏
Proe是美国 参数技术公司 (PTC)旗下的 CAD/CAM/CAE 体化的三维软件。Proe软件以参数化著称,是参数化技术的最早应用者,在目前的三维造型软件领域中占有着重要地位。
Creo 基于之前的 Pro/ENGINEER、CoCreate 和 ProductView 而构建,包括一系列产品设计软件,可帮助公司释放组织内部的潜能。产品设计师和工程师可利用 Creo 提高工作效率,与客户和供应商更顺畅地分享数据和审查设计方案,并避免无法预料的服务和制造问题。
CAD,SolidWorks相比ProE,UG等软件有什么区别? - 知乎
creo 和 proe有啥区别 我学的是creo 但是好多公司是写要求会proe…
ProE是早期版本的称呼,Creo是现在版本的称呼,都是PTC公司的软件。 ProE全称:Pro/Engineer. Creo全称:Creo Parametric,大家主要用这个(还有很多其余Creo系列:Creo Direct、Creo Options Modeler、Creo Simulate等等)
PROE/CREO三维模型导出二维工程图教程 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
最新版Proe5.0详细安装教程(含安装包) - 知乎专栏
Aug 15, 2023 · Pro/Engineer 是一款 三维CAD软件 ,广泛应用于制造、机械、汽车、航空航天等领域的产品设计和工程分析。Pro/Engineer具有强大的建模、装配、动画、绘图等功能,可以帮助用户快速完成从概念设计到详细设计的全过程。
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