Prolly Trees | Dolt Documentation
Prolly Trees are a variant of B-trees so let's first review some key B-tree concepts and then dive into how Prolly Trees work in light of those concepts. A B-tree is data structure that maps keys to values. A B-tree stores key-value pairs in leaf nodes in sorted order.
mikeal/prolly-trees: Hash consistent search trees. - GitHub
Implementation of peer-to-peer search trees (probabalistic b-trees trees) as used in dolt and noms. While this library has 100% test coverage and is relatively stable, it's not recommended for broad use.
Prolly Trees | DoltHub Blog
2024年3月3日 · A Prolly Tree is a data structure closely related to a B-tree. Prolly Trees are generally useful but have proven particularly effective as the basis of the storage engine for version controlled databases. This article explains Prolly Trees in detail. Motivation. Let's say you need a data structure with the following properties:
ProllyTree — Rust 工具 // Lib.rs • Rust 包仓库
Prolly Tree 是一种结合了 B 树和 Merkle 树特性的混合数据结构,它提供了高效的数据访问和可验证的数据完整性。 它专门设计用于处理分布式系统和大型数据库的需求,使索引能够在点对点(P2P)网络上进行同步和分发。
prollytree - Rust - Docs.rs
A Prolly Tree is a hybrid data structure that combines the features of B-trees and Merkle trees to provide both efficient data access and verifiable integrity. It is specifically designed to handle the requirements of distributed systems and large-scale databases, making indexes syncable and distributable over peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.
How to Chunk Your Database into a Merkle Tree | DoltHub Blog
2022年6月27日 · The core of Dolt's data model is a Merkle Tree index called a Prolly Tree. Prolly Trees draw on design concepts from databases, content-addressable storage, and version control systems. Combining these primitives creates a unique Merkle-based storage-engine that sets Dolt apart from other relational databases.
可能是树 (Prolly Trees) - 偏执的码农 - geek.ds3783.com
2024年3月6日 · 而“可能是树”(Prolly Trees)或许可以为我们指明一条明亮的道路。 这种新型数据结构被设计用来快速高效地处理大量数据,并提供更好的性能和可扩展性。 通过巧妙地利用“概率”的概念,将数据按照一种类似于树状结构的方式组织起来,使得检索和查询变得更加方便快捷。 与传统的树状结构相比,“可能是树”具有更好的容错性和灵活性,能够在处理大规模数据时保持高效率。 无论是数据库搜索、网络索引还是机器学习等应用场景,都可以从这种创新的数据结 …
GitHub - 2color/awesome-prolly-tree: An awesome list of …
An awesome list for all things Prolly Trees. note: content-defined merkle trees: A node is the first child of its parent if u32 (node.hash [0..4]) < (2^32 / Q).
2022年6月1日 · Noms 是Aaron Boodman和Attic Labs的作品,它引入了 Prolly Trees ,这是一种全新的搜索索引结构,支持 diff/merge/sync 操作。 后来 Noms 的开发停止了,但它的贡献在开源社区中继续存在。 Replicache 和 Dolt 都使用基于 Prolly Tree 的存储引擎。 DoltHub成立于2018年,愿景是创建一个开放的数据共享和协作平台。 我们希望创建 Git-for-Data,我们建立了Dolt作为我们的协作工具。 从一开始,Dolt就建立在Noms上。 这就是为什么Dolt是唯一一个可以支持 …
How Dolt Stores Table Data | DoltHub Blog
2020年4月1日 · Prolly-trees. A Prolly-tree is a little like a complete B-tree, but blended with ideas that come from storage algorithms for file sharing and distributed version control systems. A Prolly-tree stores all key-value data in leaf nodes, exactly like a B-tree, and internal nodes with key delimiters and children pointers, exactly like a B-tree.