Propylitic alteration - Wikipedia
Propylitic alteration is the chemical alteration of a rock, caused by iron and magnesium bearing hydrothermal fluids, altering biotite or amphibole within the rock groundmass. It typically results in epidote – chlorite – albite alteration and veining or fracture filling with the mineral assemblage along with pyrite .
Hydrothermal Alteration and Alteration Types - Geology Science
May 9, 2023 · Propylitic alteration is a type of hydrothermal alteration that occurs in volcanic and plutonic rocks. It is characterized by the alteration of primary minerals, such as feldspar and quartz, to secondary minerals, such as chlorite, epidote, and sericite.
Spectral characteristics of propylitic alteration minerals as a ...
Jan 1, 2018 · The large footprint of propylitic alteration should present an attractive target for remotely sensed mineral exploration. However, the rocks that typify propylitic alteration zones are often dark (low reflectance) making their characterisation exceedingly difficult.
the propylitic alteration has determinated the separation of the chlorite zone to the vein mineralizations rich in copper in the NW part and subordinately to the copper vein group in the NE part of the Nistru ore deposit. Propylitic alteration is developed extensive in the inner part and around the subvolcanic bodies. In
to a series of commonly recognized alteration zones: potas-sic, argillic, phyllic, and propylitic, with distinct mineralogy and decreasing intensity of alteration developed away from the vein or pluton, respectively. Bonnet and Corriveau (2007) retained some of …
Exploration Targeting in Porphyry Cu Systems Using Propylitic …
Propylitic alteration of intrusive rocks (e.g., Sewell diorite, Teniente dacite porphyry) is typified by chlorite and epidote alteration of the ferromagnesian minerals, plus magnetite, hematite, pyrite, sericite, and calcite (Ossandon, 1974). Veins of quartz-epidote (-calcite-chlorite) are variably developed and are cut by quartz-pyrite veins ...
Geological structure and hydrothermal alteration mapping for …
Feb 1, 2023 · Propylitic alterations are noticeable as prominent alteration zones with mineral deposits, whereas the phyllic alterations presented the lowest possibility of mineral occurrence. Further spatial analysis involving statistical contrast estimation between mineral deposits and a deep-seated regional structure showed maximum spatial relationship ...
The magmatic origin of propylitic alteration of the Zhengguang ...
The association of epidote-chlorite-calcite ± actinolite ± albite, typically referred to as propylitic alteration (Becker 1882), is a widespread alteration assemblage on the outer margins of porphyry-epithermal systems, where it is viewed as the peripheral extension of potassic alteration (e.g., Gustafson and Hunt 1975; Bowman et al. 1987 ...
The geochemistry, origin, and hydrothermal alteration mapping
Sep 12, 2023 · DPCA of band 1, band 4, band 5, and band 8 was performed to highlight propylitic alteration zones depending mainly on the spectral behavior of its common minerals (e.g. chlorite and epidote).
Petrology and geochemistry of propylitic alteration at Southwest …
Feb 1, 1991 · Propylitic alteration of volcanic rock can be subdivided into actinolite, epidote, and chlorite subzones. An actinolite subzone containing actinolite, epidote, chlorite, and calcite extends 250 m away from the secondary biotite zone.
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