Protapirus - Wikipedia
Protapirus (Latin: "before" (pro), + Brazilian Indian: "tapir" (tapira) [1]) is an extinct genus of tapir known from the Oligocene and Miocene of North America and Eurasia. [2] The type species is Protapirus priscus from the Late Oligocene of Quercy, France. [3] .
貘屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
貘 mò 屬 (學名: Tapirus),為 奇蹄目 貘科 [4] 的一屬,統稱 貘,又寫作 獏,屬大型林棲植食性 哺乳动物。 現存四種,即 山貘 、 南美貘 、 中美貘 和 馬來貘,前三種均產自 美洲,僅馬來貘產自 东南亚 [5]。 此外又有一種在2013年命名的 卡波马尼貘,分佈於 南美洲,一度被視為現存的第五種貘,但其獨立物種地位一直廣受爭議,後來的 遗传学 研究表明卡波馬尼貘實為南美貘的一部分,並非有效物種 [6]。 傳統上,現生貘類都被歸入 貘屬 (Tapirus) [3],但也有學者將馬 …
Fossil specimens of the (A) tapirid Protapirus (left ... - ResearchGate
As can be seen in both table 1 and fig. 2, primitive morphologies of the cranium and mandible are demonstrated in Protapirus, Mesohip- pus, and Tapirus, whereas derived morphologies ... ... known...
Protapirus | SciiFii Wiki - Fandom
The ancient tapir (Protapirus vulgaris) is a species of tapir that originally lived in what is now North America and Europe during the Late Oligocene and Early Miocene as an extinct species of...
Tapirus, Homogalax, Protapirus and Heptodon
Protapirus obliquidens (Filhol 1877; Early Oligocene to Early Miocene) nests with Tapirus in the large reptile tree, but shares some traits with Heptodon that Tapirus does not. Skull size is similar to both. Homogalax protapirinus (Wortman 1896, Hay 1899, AMNH 42891, Early Eocene, 50mya, 15cm skull length) nests in the LRT basal to Tapirus.
Category: Protapirus - Wikimedia
Media in category "Protapirus" The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total. Hancock Mammal Quarry mural.jpg 2,000 × 1,206; 784 KB. Protapirus AMNH.jpg 2,036 × 1,043; 440 KB. Protapirus robustus.jpg 770 × 473; 61 KB. Protapirus simplex (syn. P. …
Protapirus – Wikipedie
Protapirus je vyhynulý rod lichokopytníka z čeledi tapírovití (Tapiridae). Z hlediska stratigrafického výskytu žil v období před asi 33,9–20 miliony lety, přičemž je rozeznáváno několik jeho druhů: P. aginensis, P. bavaricus, P. cetinensis, P. douvillei, P. gromovae, P. obliquidens, P. priscus a …
Digimorph - Protapirus simplex (Fossil Tapir)
Digital Morphology account of the fossil tapir, Protapirus simplex, featuring CT-generated animations of the skull.
Protapirus Filhol, 1877 - GBIF
Protapirus Filhol, 1877 Dataset GBIF Backbone Taxonomy Rank GENUS Published in Ann. Sci. Géol., 8, no. 1 Classification kingdom Animalia phylum Chordata ...
Protapirus - mindat.org
Protapirus is an extinct genus of tapir. Fossil specimens of this genus have been found in North America and Europe.