What to download, proTeXt or MiKTeX? - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2012年3月27日 · First, proTeXt adds a few independent tools to MiKTeX, notably TeXnicCenter and Ghostscript. TeXnicCenter is a LaTeX editor that works quite well with MiKTeX, Ghostscript is software for processing PostScript (*.ps) files.
how do I begin with ProTeXt? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2014年7月17日 · With my last proTeXt installation that fired up TeXStudio on that document, I needed only press F1, and a pdf was created. Next you decide what you want to achieve with LaTeX, and look for likely examples online, and in books, and you figure out the LaTeX commands as you go along. It takes some dedication, but soon you realise how amenable ...
Latex distributions. What are their main differences?
proTeXt. Extended distribution of TeX and related programs, based on MikTeX. MacTeX. Version of TeX Live specifically tailored to Mac OS X. gwTeX. Gerben Wierda's TeX for Mac OS X based (now) on TeXLive. OzTeX. TeX implementation for Macintosh, Obsolete. AmigaTeX. TeX implementation for Amiga, Obsolete. PasTeX. TeX implementation for Amiga ...
Difference between ProTeXt-3.1.3-060313.exe and protext.exe?
2014年1月27日 · The file protext.exe is identical to ProTeXt-<numbers>.exe, but is there as each different release of ProTeXt will have a different version number. Thus a link to just 'protext.exe' will alway be correct, but the version number will alter. (At the server, both links point to the same file using what is called a symlink).
Newest 'protext' Questions - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2017年5月28日 · proTeXt - easy-to-install {MiKTeX} distribution for Windows via clickable pdf document (available in ...
Protext 64-bit executables for Windows - LaTeX Stack Exchange
None of the earlier versions of miktex even mentioned 64-bit apps, and protext is definitely based on an earlier version (although I do not know which one) so: No. Share Improve this answer
miktex - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
I just downloaded MiKTeX and TeXstudio from CTAN as a zip file ProTeXt-3.1.4-020114.exe I then installed MiKTeX and TeXstudio. But the TeXstudio can not compile/build/view after I created/save a ...
installing - Offline Installation: How to install a full TeX ...
2013年3月28日 · MiKTeX/proTeXt 1. Online (pc with internet) In MiKTeX download page, go to Other Downloads section instead of recommended download, then choose "This installer allows you download all packages and install a complete TeX/LaTeX system" depending on windows 32-bit/64-bit. (Note: 32-bit installer works on both, but 64-bit installer only on 64-bit ...
fonts - Calibri in proTeXt - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
General info: proTeXt is a bundle containing, among other things, the MikTeX distribution. Afaik, there's no way to use Calibri with pdfLaTeX, but you can easily use it with XeLaTeX: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Calibri} …
ProTeXt with MiKTeX downloading issue - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2019年1月13日 · protext is updated about once a year latest was 13-Dec-2017 so simplest way to get the latest is -- 1) download and install single user full MiKTeX (however if you dont need full I would recommend a smaller basic portable, but sort out the paths and test inbuilt editor / updates first) -- 2) Then download and install latest TeXstudio (if you really want it as a secondary editor)