Adam Savage’s Tested: Hero Phoebe Proton Pack reference
2021年10月6日 · In addition, Tested has posted references of Phoebe’s Hero proton pack. Some fantastic reference. It can be seen here: Ghostbusters: Afterlife Proton Pack Prop Photos - Tested Thanks to Adam and Tested for an awesome video (as …
Proton Pack parts list? - RPF Costume and Prop Maker Community
2013年10月6日 · There is no standard list of parts that will make an accurate pack. Each pack was made different and the parts/details varied. The only way to make a truly accurate pack is to pick one, study it, then replicate it. Also, keep in mind that every part on the pack is old surplus. No modern equivalent is 100% accurate.
Proton Pack Pattern Plans - RPF Costume and Prop Maker …
2010年10月14日 · btw, if you were going to make a pack, and decided half way into the 1:1 scale idea not to go that route, norm's plans are the absolute best way to go, as they are already budget plans. garreeeeeeeee's are horrible and require constant repairs after each use. norms plans were my only plans with several notations on them for years, through out 7 ...
84 Proton Pack - RPF Costume and Prop Maker Community
2021年7月12日 · As far as Proton Packs went, it was actually a decent pack and so a dream well fulfilled. It cost me a pretty price to build in parts alone, (with the labour absorbed by me building it myself) when I made it in 2019/2020 and it used some fairly good parts too, some actually were about as good as I could buy at the time.
Ghostbusters Ray Stantz "Hero" Proton Pack Build
2013年4月1日 · Hello everyone! On Saturday night, I finished up a year long build of one of my favorite movie props, the "Proton Pack" as seen worn by Ray Stantz in the Hotel Sedgwick in "Ghost Busters". Building proton packs has been an obsession of mine for about 10 years now. I have either built or had a hand in building 10+ packs now.
Ghostbusters 1 Hero Proton Pack Build - RPF Costume and Prop …
2015年2月8日 · The bellows or "shock mount" is one of those original parts that's impossible to find for the proton pack. It was made from a vintage thermostat of some sorts but the great guys on the gbfans got a deal set up with a company to manufacture almost exact replicas of these.
Scratch Built GB1 Proton Pack (Image Heavy) - RPF Costume and …
2020年4月19日 · I wanted my pack to scale, and the only avenue that left was making it myself. Thus began my journey. I decided I wanted to make a GB1 Proton Pack as I felt it had more personality than the GB2 pack. For one, the ribbon cable on the first film's pack is a more visually interesting cable, full of color and variation.
Scratch-built Proton Pack - RPF Costume and Prop Maker …
2011年5月19日 · Re: Scratch-built Ghostbusters Proton Pack With winter fast approaching, I decided to put off any more work on the pack that year, but once spring rolled around, I got back to work. My first order of business was to repaint the cyclotron with a …
Venkman's Ghostbusters Hero Proton Pack - Vintage Parts, New …
2016年4月9日 · Re: Venkman's Ghostbusters Hero Proton Pack - Vintage Parts, New Details! VERY pic he Thanks everyone! Neil, the vendors involved are all listed above, though most of what's used here isn't stuff that's constantly available. RJ sells metal throwers and parts, but also executed a lot of special requests for us. I highly recommend working with him!
My Proton Pack build (including Afterlife-to-1984 wand mod)
2021年3月18日 · When I was a kid (over three decades ago!), I assembled a proton pack from a cardboard box, round cookie tin for a cyclotron and a karate belt for shoulder straps. The neutrino wand was a wooden dowel, foam and electrical tape …