How can a proton be converted to a neutron via positron emission …
2014年1月7日 · In other words, the reaction still decreases the total mass (reactants versus products). Your observation (that a neutron is heavier than a proton) tells us that positron emission can't occur for a proton in isolation - and this is true. Binding energy is one way to represent the fact that a nucleus's weight isn't just the sum of its parts.
nuclear physics - Can an electron and a proton be artificially or ...
2021年1月10日 · $\begingroup$ @releseabe If there are too many protons in a nuclei, it can be energetically more favorable to "convert" one proton into a neutron. (Depending on the nuclei, it can be either a positive beta decay or a K-electron capture.) But protons can only decay into neutron inside a nucleus, a free proton will never decay into a neutron ...
Proton to Neutron conversion - Physics Stack Exchange
2019年10月11日 · Is there a way to convert a proton in a nucleus to a neutron? Hyperphysics writes that if a proton was supplied with 1.29 MeV of energy, there would be enough energy to make that conversion. Has this process ever been observed experimentally, and if so, what was the general experiment?
Why can't a neutron be thought of as a proton plus an electron …
2003年9月17日 · In elementary physics, it is said that the neutron can "sorta" be thought of as a proton plus an electron together. The mass of the neutron is slightly higher than a proton, by approximately the mass of an electron; in beta decay, a neutron decays into a proton, electron and neutrino; the neutron is neutral, since the two charges cancel.
Why are the neutron and proton masses nearly equal?
2015年2月23日 · If you calculate the ratio between the proton mass and its constituent quarks, you'll see that the quarks actually account for only 1.0% of the proton mass. A similar calculation for a neutron shows that quark masses account for 1.3% of the neutron mass. Thus for both of these particles, 99% of the mass is not simply the sum of masses of the ...
How can neutron be converted to proton and electron?
2019年10月12日 · $\begingroup$ First answer has a typo in that the structure of the neutron and proton are the other way around A neutron is made of 3 quarks, but it is two down quarks and one up A proton is made of 3 quarks, two up quarks and one down Then you need to change the equation appropriately (u+d+d)→(u+d+u)+e−+ν¯ here is a Q and A from Fermilab that partly …
Neutrino collision with a proton,neutron or an electron? - Physics …
2011年10月20日 · From what I remember, a neutrino does interact with the weak force. So if it hits a proton or neutron head on, then it will be affected. An electron is a point particle, so you can't get another point particle, such as a neutrino, to hit "head on" with it in some sense.
Proton - neutron fusion? - Physics Stack Exchange
2016年11月21日 · $2.2$ MeV per proton-neutron fussion. The alpha particle of Uranium-$238$ has $4.2$ MeV. Ideally, this is then braked down to $2.6$ MeV. There is then a certain probability that a neutron with $740$ keV will be produced, which in turn must reach thermal velocities ($100$ meV range). And then, with a certain probability, there is again this ...
Mass & Charge of Proton, Neutron & Electron: Explained - Physics …
2012年12月26日 · The mass of proton is 938mev/c2 where as mass of quarks in proton is 11 Mev/c2. Much of the reminder is gluon. But gluon does not have any mass. So how can it be gluon? Also in neutron decay, one d Quark transform itself into u quark by absorbing / emitting W boson. in this case W boson is...
How to turn a proton into neutron by e+p->n? - Physics Forums
2008年8月2日 · Actually it's completely possible provided your electron has enough energy, it will turn itself into a neutrino and the proton into a neutron (via [itex]W^{-}[/itex] exchange, a u becomes a d, both quarks being in the same SU(2) isospin doublet connected by this exchange). Note that the reaction is as interesting as its final state is daunting.