Shuttle - StarCraft Wiki
The shuttle is a protoss aerospace transport. With skilled pilots at a premium, the protoss turned to robotic shuttles to ferry troops over rough terrain and into hostile territory. They are...
Shuttle - Liquipedia StarCraft Brood War Wiki
The Shuttle is the Protoss's transport unit. It is slow at first, but its speed can be upgraded at the Robotics Support Bay, and with this upgrade it becomes one of the fastest units in the game, although trailing the Corsair and the speed upgraded Scout. A Shuttle can be moved back and forth while dropping so that it does not lose acceleration ...
神族 (Protoss)_星际争霸
在陆战地图中,你可能经常想把你那些移动缓慢的轰击甲虫和高级圣堂武士装入运输机然后再快速把它们运送到前线或者去偷袭敌人的基地。 在岛屿作战的地图里,要想把地面部队从一个岛移动到另一个岛上就一定要运输机不可了。 不管你想把这些部队空降下来去偷袭别人还是扩展新的基地,运输机都是必不可少的。 每一个玩家在使用运输机的时候都必须要记住,一旦运输机被击落,一定要在运输机被击落之前把里面的部队都放下来。 如果运输机在运送部队的时候被击落,那 …
StarCraft Compendium: Protoss Strategy - Shuttle Unit - Battle.net
With skilled pilots at a premium, the Protoss have turned to robotic Shuttles to ferry troops over rough terrain and into hostile territory. They are equipped with powerful thrusters, allowing them to carry even massive Reavers within their hulls, but they are not armed with any defensive systems other than a basic energy shield.
宇宙天空流 - 百度百科
宇宙天空流(又名天空宇宙流)即星际争霸中PVZ中,P(神族Protoss)方使用以海盗船(Corsair),运输机 (Shuttle) ,金甲虫(Reaver)(或航空母舰(Carrier))为主力,依靠制空权施行运动战的战术。
神族(Protoss)_星际争霸_游民部落_新浪网 - 新浪游戏
在陆战地图中,你可能经常想把你那些移动缓慢的轰击甲虫和高级圣堂武士装入运输机然后再快速把它们运送到前线或者去偷袭敌人的基地。 在岛屿作战的地图里,要想把地面部队从一个岛移动到另一个岛上就一定要运输机不可了。 不管你想把这些部队空降下来去偷袭别人还是扩展新的基地,运输机都是必不可少的。 每一个玩家在使用运输机的时候都必须要记住,一旦运输机被击落,一定要在运输机被击落之前把里面的部队都放下来。 如果运输机在运送部队的时候被击落,那 …
Shuttle - StarCraft Guide - IGN
The Shuttle is one of the many Protoss Units found in Starcraft. This unit has no attack capabilities and is strictly used to transport units through the air. It's built from the Robotics...
Ark shuttle - StarCraft Wiki
The ark shuttle is a type of protoss aerospace craft capable of travel through warp conduits. They are capable of operating within atmospheres and entering warp space. These craft are launched from docking bays.
星际2Pre-Alpha版Protoss族全面剖析 - 17173
2007年9月5日 · WarpGate为兵营的升级版,它所召唤的Protoss步兵可以出现在任意Pylon(路标)和PhasePrism(相位凌镜)的矩阵范围内;兵则是先召出来,再计算冷却时间。这种全新的生产方式将极大缩短Protoss投入兵力的周期,将带来革命性的新战术。 Warp In的具体步骤:
Shuttle - Liquipedia StarCraft Brood War Wiki
Kim "Shuttle" Yoon Joong is a StarCraft progamer from South Korea who played Protoss for STX SouL. He retired from StarCraft II on 21 September 2012 in order to fulfill his mandatory military service and currently plays in amateur leagues.
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