Prove 600 plus Spectroquant Sigma-Aldrich - MilliporeSigma
Pre-programmed to work seamlessly with more than 150 Spectroquant ® test kits, Spectroquant ® Prove plus photometers are among the most trusted for your analysis. Enhanced functionality for seamless operation and instant responsiveness ; Improved display responsiveness and faster processing capabilities
Prove 100 plus | 173026 - Merck
The Spectroquant Prove 100 plus provides high quality and great value for money for your daily analyses. The Spectroquant Prove plus family is our series of cutting-edge spectrophotometers for easy analysis of water, food and beverage, and environmental samples.
Prove 300 plus photometric, 190-1100 nm, Spectroquant®
The Spectroquant ® Prove plus photometers are upgraded highlighting smoother functionality with instant responsiveness, a more receptive display with faster processing, and increased storage capacity.
Prove 100 plus Spectroquant Sigma-Aldrich - MilliporeSigma
The Spectroquant Prove 100 plus provides high quality and great value for money for your daily analyses. The Spectroquant Prove plus family is our series of cutting-edge spectrophotometers for easy analysis of water, food and beverage, and environmental samples.
Spectroquant® Prove 300 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer - Merck
Spectroquant® Prove 300 is an incredibly robust UV/VIS spectrophotometer, optimized for sensitive measurements such as the analysis of drinking water and beverages. Programmed for over 180 reagent tests and free methods, capable of both UV and VIS measurements, and equipped with a long-lasting xenon lamp, Prove 300 is the ideal tool for rapid ...
Prove 600 plus photometric, 190-1100 nm, Spectroquant®
Pre-programmed to work seamlessly with more than 150 Spectroquant ® test kits, Spectroquant ® Prove plus photometers are among the most trusted for your analysis. Enhanced functionality for seamless operation and instant responsiveness ; Improved display responsiveness and faster processing capabilities
SPECTROQUANT®光度法多参数水质分析仪器_测试盒与配件_光度 …
我们全新的Spectroquant ® Prove plus系列分光光度计是为了饮用水、废水和工艺用水的化学分析而专门设计。 Prove系列包括Spectroquant ® Prove 100 plus 、 Prove 300 plus 和 Prove 600 plus ,分别应对日常、灵敏和复杂的分析需求。
德国默克prove plus多参数水质分析仪-水质与食品分析仪-默 …
Spectroquant®Prove 300 plus是一款极其坚固的UV/VIS分光光度计,针对饮用水和饮料分析等敏感测量进行了优化。 Prove 300 plus可用于180多种试剂测试和免费方法,能够同时进行紫外线和可见光测量,并配有长时间氙灯,证明 300+是快速、可靠结果的理想工具。 Prove 300 plus预编程用于广泛的Spectroquant®试剂和细胞测试,以加快您的工作。 此外,它还兼容10毫米,20毫米或50毫米反应杯,以适应各种测量范围。 我们最新的饮用水和饮料分析测试包包括:具有扩 …
默克Merck|Prove plus多参数水质分析仪|prove600 plus…
Spectroquant®Prove600 plus是一款功能强大的UV / VIS分光光度计,专为工艺用水分析而设计。 我们的目标是建立最完美的水质分析测试工具。 将您所需的安全、耐用、简便、精准等合为一体,Spectroquant®Prove Plus都能满足您的各种应用需求, 甚至更多。 它直观简便的操作, 配上我们常用的Spectroquant®测试盒,可以大大简化您的工作流程。 Spectroquant®Prove600 Plus 是一款功能强大的UV / VIS分光光度计,专为工艺用水分析而设计。 该紧凑型设备提供高分辨率光 …
Operating Manual Spectroquant® Prove plus Spectroquant® Prove Spectrophotometer 100 plus 300 plus 600 plus