PRP-4MU - Army Guide
The PRP-4MU armoured reconnaissance vehicle is intended for reconnaissance of stationary and moving ground targets day and night, under any weather conditions, at ambient temperature ranging from - 40o C up to + 40o C, up to 3000 m above sea level. The vehicle retains high performance of its base vehicle - BMP-1 (AIFV):
List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
PRP-4M "Deyteriy" (Ob'yekt 779M, 1V145) – Was a modernized version of the PRP-4 "Nard" developed in 1988. It is equipped with a 1PN71 thermal infrared vision device (which gives the crew a range of up to 3,000 m), a 1D14 periscopic laser rangefinder, a 1D13 portable laser reconnaissance device and a turret antenna mount located on the center ...
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The PRP-4A Argus mobile reconnaissance post is the latest version of the PRP-4 Nard, which was adopted back in the early 1980s. The PRP-4A Argus has enhanced capabilities over its predecessor....
PRP-4A Argus Artillery Reconnaissance Vehicle - Army Technology
2016年12月19日 · The PRP-4A Argus integrates a mast-mounted IL120-1 battlefield surveillance radar. It can detect a single person at a distance up to 7km and a tank within a maximum distance of 16km. The radar can be retracted into the mast while travelling. The vehicle is also installed with a 1D14-1 periscopic laser rangefinder.
Russian Artillery Support Vehicles - pmulcahy.com
The PRP-4 is a development of the PRP-3, essentially a PRP-3 with updated sensors, vision devices, and electronics. The PRP-4 retains inertial navigation with a gyroscopic backup/supplement, though the system is updated, more accurate, and more compact.
Soviet Union Cold War Tanks and Armored Vehicles - Tank …
The latest upgrade was the PRP-4MU which had an 1RL-133-3 retractable battlefield surveillance radar (12,000 m range), 1D14 periscopic laser rangefinder (10,000 m range) and T-235-1U data transmetter.
SOV - PRP-4 (delostrelecké prieskumné vozidlo)
This artillery reconnaissance vehicle, which is a replacement for the PRP-3, is used to locate enemy artillery/mortars and to fire and repair the effective fire of its own 122 mm and 152 mm caliber artillery barrels.
用步战车改侦察车,稀有的苏联PRP-3/4前线侦察车 - 知乎
2023年9月6日 · prp包括两个车型:prp-3和prp-4。prp-3是在1963年开始研发的车辆,也被称为767工程,北约将它称为bmpm1975,该车在60年代末研制成功,可能在1972年开始缓慢的生产,1975年正式服役。 prp-3
俄军装甲战车供货商揭秘_坦克_生产_车辆 - 搜狐
2023年4月30日 · – 机动侦察点 PRP-4MU(A); - 修理履带式车辆 RM-G“Desna”; – 卡特彼勒运输拖拉机 GT-TM; – 卡特彼勒运输车 MT-LB。 总的来说,该工厂在BMP / BMD型轻型装甲车的生产方面具有一定的前景,绝对可以成为装甲车生产的一种储备。 3.乌拉尔交通工程厂(Uraltransmash)。
PRP-4MU, Reconnaissance Vehicle - Army Guide
The PRP-4MU armoured reconnaissance vehicle is intended for reconnaissance of stationary and moving ground targets day and night, under any weather conditions, at ambient temperature ranging from - 40o C up to + 40o C, up to 3000 m above sea level. The vehicle retains high performance of its base vehicle - BMP-1 (AIFV):
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