PS 20 The Clinton Hill School — News
PS20 offers excellent Pre-K to 5th grade education, French Dual language and on-site after school programs to a diverse, engaged and welcoming comm PS20 - The Clinton Hill School, …
PS20 School Zone - PS 20 The Clinton Hill School
To find out if PS20 (“P.S. 020 Clinton Hill - K020”) is your zoned school, enter your address in Find a School. Students within the school zone are given preference by the DOE Office of …
PS 20 The Clinton Hill School — FAQ
Visit here to see the PS20 School Zone. The DOE has a webpage where you enter your address and it will tell you what school you are zoned for and what district you reside in. What is the …
PS20 CALENDAR - PS 20 The Clinton Hill School
PS20 CALENDAR. Calendars are updated regularly, but always check Konstella for more detailed information, event flyers and sign-ups, meeting links, and more! HIGHLIGHTED UPCOMING …
PS 20 The Clinton Hill School — Staff Directory
About PS20 Our Mission IB at PS20 Staff Directory Cluster Specialists Green Arts Program Studio in a School School Leadership Team (SLT) The 7 Habits Tree Connect Admissions …
After School - PS 20 The Clinton Hill School
PS20 is pleased to host two in-house, on-site After School programs: Good Success Kaleidoscope Kids (3K through grade 5) and PTA-run Mosaic (Pre-K through grade 5). There …
PS 20 The Clinton Hill School — New Student Registration
PS20 - The Clinton Hill School. 225 Adelphi Street, Brooklyn, NY 11205, US. 718 834 6744. Hours. Mon 8am-5pm. Tue 8am-5pm. Wed 8am-5pm. Thu 8am-5pm. Fri 8am-5pm. Sat Closed .
PS 20 The Clinton Hill School — Connect with Us
PS20 Administrative Office. 225 Adelphi Street Brooklyn, NY 11205 P: (718) 834-6744 F: (718) 243-0712. Email Parent Coordinator, Ms Karen Colon for questions about: Tours, Forms, …
PS 20 The Clinton Hill School — We are all PTA
At PS20 we believe that a strong, unified and committed community of parents, guardians and extended family is an integral part of building a school that is able to help our children reach …
PS20’s SLT now meets the last Monday* of every school month at 5pm via Zoom. If you are interested in attending a meeting please e-mail the SLT Chairs at [email protected] to obtain the …