The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) - European Central …
The aim is to reach a market agreement on one technical specification so that all systems across Europe could ultimately be based on one or a few technical API standards. A short overview of …
The PSD2 API documentation provides detailed information on the APIs that enable secure and standardized access to payment account information and payment initiation services. By …
PSD2 API - iBanFirst
Our PSD2 API Sandbox is an open environment that allows to experiment, develop and test TPP’s application for the PSD2 services. It covers accounts information, payment initiation and …
GitHub - OpenBankProject/OBP-API: An open source RESTful API …
An open source RESTful API platform for banks that supports Open Banking, XS2A, PSD2 and Open Finance through access to accounts, transactions, counterparties, payments, …
Open Banking | Beyond PSD2 | Deutsche Bank API Program
Welcome to the PSD2 XS2A API of Deutsche Bank. A guide which helps you to perform the first steps to access bank accounts through our API can be found here. Statistics on KPIs which …
Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) Compliance - PayPal Developer
The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) regulates online payment services and providers in Europe. PSD2 enables open banking by introducing Access to Account (XS2A). XS2A allows …
PSD2 APIs - BNP Paribas
As part of PSD2 regulations, BNP Paribas provides statistics for its regulatory APIs used by Third Party Providers (TPPs):
PSD2 API - Citi Private Bank
In compliance with the PSD2 regulation Citi Private Bank has developed a dedicated Application Programming Interface (“API”) that enables authorised Third Party Payment Providers …
Skrill PSD2 Developer Portal
In compliance PSD2, Skrill provides Modified Customer Interface (Mobile APIs) to qualified Third Party Payment Service Providers for the following purposes: The APIs are Modified Existing …
什么是支付服务指令2 (PSD2)? - 知乎专栏
一 背景支付服务指令(Payment Service Directive,简称PSD)最初于 2007 年通过,是单一欧元支付区(SEPA)的法律基础。PSD2 是修订后的支付服务指令。“2” 是指修订后的指令,因为 …