Pathology Outlines - Pseudomelanosis duodeni
2012年8月1日 · Also known as melanosis duodeni Due to iron and sulfur ( J Formos Med Assoc 1995;94:632 ) and may be associated with oral iron intake, hypertension, diabetes or end stage renal disease ( Endoscopy 2008;40:165 , World J Gastroenterol 2012;18:1414 )
Duodenal Pseudomelanosis: A Literature Review - PMC - PubMed …
Duodenal pseudomelanosis (DP, Latin: pseudomelanosis duodeni) is a rare incidental finding encountered during upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy. The usual endoscopic presentation is a black-dotted mucosa, with pigment deposition at the apex of the duodenal villi.
Pseudomelanosis Duodeni: A Benign Pigmentation or a Precance ... - LWW
Presence of black or brownish spotty pigmentation in mucosal wall of duodenum evident on endoscopy is called pseudomelanosis duodeni (PMD) or melanosis duodeni. Our aim is to present a case of a patient with iron deficiency anemia who had an upper endoscopy and was found to have diffuse pigmentation in duodenum.
Small bowel pseudomelanosis - Libre Pathology
2019年7月15日 · Small bowel pseudomelanosis is benign change of the small bowel that mimics melanin deposition. In the duodenum it is known as pseudomelanosis duodeni. Pseudomelanosis is described in the stomach, duodenum and jejunum.
S3038 Pseudomelanosis Duodeni: A Rare and Incidental Endosco ... - LWW
Pseudomelanosis duodeni is a rare condition characterized by speckled black pigmentation of the duodenal mucosa. Although the exact pathogenesis is unknown, it has been associated with common conditions such as hypertension, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and various medications including iron supplements, hydralazine, beta blockers ...
Pseudomelanosis Duodeni: A Rare Endoscopic Finding
Introduction: Pseudomelanosis duodeni is a benign condition characterized by dark speckled appearance of the duodenum. It is a rare endoscopic finding whose etiology and significance is unknown. We present a case of pseudomelanosis duodenii that was found on endoscopy done for chronic gastroesophageal reflux.
Pseudomelanosis of the Stomach and Duodenum - Clinmed …
2018年4月17日 · Pseudomelanosis is more frequently identified in the duodenum (pseudomelanosis duodeni) and terminal ileum (pseudomelanosis ilei), with stomach involvement being extremely rare. The lesion is benign but can appear similar to …
Duodenal pseudomelanosis (pseudomelanosis duodeni): a rare …
2011年12月31日 · Duodenal pseudomelanosis (or pseudomelanosis duodeni) is a rare benign condition characterized by black-brown speckled pigmentation of the duodenal mucosa. Collections of pigment-laden macrophages are found in the tips of duodenal villi.
Pseudomelanosis Duodeni | New England Journal of Medicine
2020年11月11日 · Strange coincidence in the gut: Pseudomelanosis duodeni diagnosed by capsule endoscopy and active bleeding due to angiodysplasia, Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas, (2021)....
Pseudomelanosis Duodeni - ScienceDirect
2013年6月1日 · Pseudomelanosis duodeni (PD) is a rare, benign condition which manifests with speckled black pigmentation or black spots in the duodenal mucosa. The pigmentation is due to the accumulation of dark pigment in macrophages in the lamina propria.