Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology
Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was founded in 1929 with a mission of recognizing and promoting excellence in the science and application of psychology.
Welcome to Psi Chi - Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in …
Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was founded in 1929 with a mission to encourage excellence in scholarship and advance the science of psychology. More than 900,000 lifetime members have joined including Distinguished Members such as Drs. Albert Bandura, B. F. Skinner, and Phillip Zimbardo.
Join - Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology
Here are 10 reasons you should become a Psi Chi member. BECOME A MEMBE R View complete eligibility requirements to join our Professional Organization. START A CHAPTE R Find out how to start a Psi Chi chapter at your college or university.
Psi Chi membership is an honor that can be noted on employment applications, vitaes, and resumés. New members have the option of an official certificate of membership. More members continue their educations than the average student population.
Mission & Purpose - Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in …
Psi Chi is an international organization of professionals, scientists, faculty, students, and alumni whose mission is to recognize and promote excellence in the science and application of psychology. Psi Chi is committed to diversity and inclusion in all of its forms through research; clinical, community, and professional applications ...
Become a Member - Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in …
Membership in Psi Chi is open to students who are majoring or minoring in psychology, and attend an institution where a chapter is located. Qualified candidates include those of any age, sex, sexual orientation, race, handicap or disability, religion, national and ethnic origin, and who meet the minimum qualifications.
Join Today - Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology
Thank you for your interest in joining PSI CHI. In order to join, you must qualify for membership and join through the chapter where you are currently a student or faculty member (see requirements). As an undergraduate you qualify if: there is a Psi Chi chapter at your school (see Chapter Directory). you are majoring or minoring in psychology.
Psi-Chi-ology Lab - Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in …
The path to becoming a well-versed Psi Chi member starts here. Uncover how psychology relates to major current events and pop culture. Gain insider knowledge about Psi Chi opportunities.
Member Classifications - Psi Chi, The International Honor Society …
Psi Chi publications share career and graduate school advice, advances in psychology, chapter support, and more. Browse our magazine , peer-reviewed journal , podcast , blog , and webinar series .
History Timeline - Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in …
Psi Chi's history has been a rich and colorful one. It began with a brief conversation between two students at the University of Kansas late one night in 1927. The charter that formally created the organization was signed at Yale University in 1929. At first, Psi Chi grew slowly, but it began flourishing after World War II.