Pacific Security Maritime Exchange - United States Department of State
To combat the DPRK’s flagrant violations of these UN Security Council resolutions, the Pacific Security Maritime Exchange—or PSMX—was created. The PSMX is a cooperative network of allies and partners and a symbol of the shared commitment by PSMX members to uphold international law, rules, and norms.
Key Topics – Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
The PSMX is a cooperative network of allies and partners and a symbol of the shared commitment by PSMX members to uphold international law, rules, and norms. Since 2018, the United States has supported this information-sharing initiative with fellow PSMX partners: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea ...
German frigate off North Korea: What is PSMX? - marineforum
2024年9月12日 · The abbreviation PSMX may not be familiar to everyone - but you can find out about it! The German Indo-Pacific convoy consisting of the frigate "Baden-Württemberg" and the task force vessel "Frankfurt am Main" is currently spending valuable time monitoring cargo traffic to North Korea, a country that is subject to several United Nations ...
The United States’ Enduring Commitment to the Indo-Pacific: …
2024年2月16日 · PSMX now includes the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, ROK, and the United Kingdom. Collaborating on civilian security issues: Through the Quad Counterterrorism Working Group, Quad partners share best practices and expertise and coordinate counterterrorism policies.
The German Navy and the UN’s North Korea sanctions - Bundeswehr
2024年9月9日 · Warships and naval aircraft from PSMX partners are primarily on the trail of ghost ships off the coasts between Korea, China, Taiwan, and Japan. At the high seas crime scene, they primarily document ship movements throughout the region, which serve as clues and evidence to the complex smuggling networks.
미 국무부 “국제사회, 북한 제재 회피 방지 협력…WMD 지원 불법 …
특히 미국 주도의 태평양 안보 해양 교류 (PSMX)가 불법 대량살상무기와 탄도미사일 프로그램을 지원하는 북한의 밀수를 막는데 핵심적인 역할을 하고 있다고 설명했습니다. 조상진 기자가 보도합니다. 국무부 국제안보비확산국 (ISN)이 15일 설명 자료를 통해, 북한의 유엔 제재 회피를 막기 위한 국제사회의 대응 노력을 소개했습니다. 국제안보비확산국은 유엔 안보리가 2017년 처음으로 북한의 정제유 수입 연간 한도를 정한 이후 북한은 불법 해상 선박간 환적을 통한 석유 밀수 …
Home Page | USMX
USMX-ILA MONEY PURCHASE PLAN (MPP) INQUIRIES. Please email all inquiries to [email protected], and be sure to include your name, current address, your date of birth, last 4 digits of your Social Security Number, and your phone number. United States Maritime Alliance, LTD. Tel: (551) 352-1820.
「PSMX-B蓄电池监控系统通信协议说明V2.0」 - 百度文库
PSMX-B监测模块采用的是针对本公司生产的通信电源系统,向电力专用 DC/DC电源智能设备接入用户集中监控网络提供的两种通信协议:RTU (符合MODBUS规约)和CDT。 主机或子机可用校验码进行判别接收信息是否出错。 有时,由于电子噪声或其他一些干扰,信息在传输过程中会发生细微的变化,错误校验码保证了主机或子机对在传送过程中出错的信息不起作用。 这样增加了系统的安全和效率。 错误校验码采用CRC-16校验方法。 二字节的错误校验码,低字节在前,高字节 …
Browning Defender Pro Scout Max Extreme Trail Camera BTC PSMX
Enjoy photos and video clips sent from your hunting grounds to your smartphone with the Browning Defender Pro Scout Max Extreme Trail Camera. The camera features a 100' detection range and 0.25-second trigger speed, and captures 22MP photos and 1080p video with sound.
PSMX-UPS独立监控协议(MODBUS_V01) - 豆丁网
监控网络提供的一种通信协议,RTU传输模式,符合Modbus规约. *下行指控制器向其他设备传送指令,上行指设备向控制器回应数据。 PSMX-UPS独立监控协议(Modbus)2011.1.04 (V01)此文档是对本公司生产的通信电源电源,电力专用DC/DC电源智能设备接入用户集中监控网络提供的一 …