AN/PVS-14 - Wikipedia
The AN/PVS-14 Monocular Night Vision Device (MNVD) is in widespread use by the United States Armed Forces as well as NATO allies around the world. [3] It uses a third generation image intensifier tube, and is primarily manufactured by Litton Industries (Now L-3 Warrior Systems) and Elbit Systems of America (formerly Harris Night Vision ...
SOPMOD II ——〖枪炮世界〗
SOPMOD II除了有 增强M203榴弹发射器的夜间瞄准能力,改进或研制新的榴弹发射器(EGLM计划),扩展通用的消声器(包括应用于轻机枪及其他武器上),升级/改进现有的各种战术附件等等子系统外,还包括有新的一体化上机匣项目, 参与竞争这个项目的厂商包括 KAC 的URX II系统、ARMS公司的SIR系统(Selective Integrated Rail)、还有 LMT 公司的MRP(Monolithic Rail Platform)等等,最终中标的是丹尼尔防务有限公司(Daniel Defense,简称DDL)的URG, …
Use TM 11-5855-264-14, Operator’s, Unit, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual for TS-3895A/UV test sets, to set up the test set and perform self-test. NOTE Before using the TS-3895A/UV, refer to TM 11-5855-264-14, to familiarize yourself with the operation, warnings, and cautions associated with that test equipment.
AN/PVS-14夜視儀 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AN/PVS-14 是 美軍 和 北約 成員國大量裝備的一種單筒式 夜視儀 [2],採用第3代 影像增強管 (英语:image intensifier),目前主要由L-3勇士系統(L-3 Warrior Systems)和 埃爾比特系統 美國分公司(Elbit Systems of America)生產 [3][4]。
AN/PSQ-42 - Wikipedia
The AN/PSQ-42 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binocular (ENVG-B) is a third-generation passive binocular night vision device developed for the United States Army by L3Harris. It combines dual tube image-intensifying (I²) and thermal-imaging technologies into a single goggle, enabling vision in low-light conditions.
Night Vision Device (M914A) The AN/PVS-14 is one of the most versatile night vision systems available today, incorporating an active projected IR short-range illumination and auto-gated power supply for improved resolution under highlighted settings. Handheld, helmet or weapon-mounted use Self-contained system with single AA battery operation
AN/PSQ-20 - Wikipedia
The AN/PSQ-20 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle combines image intensifier (I 2 or II) and infra-red (IR, also called thermal imaging) technologies, and is the first night vision device to do so.
TB 43-PS-790, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly, is an official publication of the Department of the Army, providing information for all Soldiers assigned to combat and combat support units and...
conners儿童行为问卷 (PSQ)
Conners儿童行为问卷(Conners Parent Symptom Questionnaire, PSQ)是一种广泛用于评估儿童和青少年行为问题的工具,特别是那些可能与注意力缺陷活动过度症(ADHD)有关的问题。
匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表PSQI - 临床评分小工具 - 脑医汇
为了进行脑梗塞病人的血液稀释治疗效果的研究,SSS评分分为预后评分和长期随访评分。 最初预后评定项目包括意识水平,眼活动和瘫痪的严重性;随访评分项目包括上下肢和手的肌力,定向力,语言,面瘫和步态。