AN/PSQ-20 - Wikipedia
The AN/PSQ-20 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) is a third-generation passive monocular night vision device developed for the United States Armed Forces by ITT Exelis. It fuses image-intensifying and thermal-imaging technologies, enabling vision in conditions with very little light.
AN/PSQ-20夜視儀 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AN/PSQ-20增強型夜視儀 (英語: Enhanced Night Vision Goggle, ENVG)是一款由 ITT Exelis (英语:ITT Exelis) 為美軍開發的第三代單筒式夜視儀。 它同時結合了影像增強和 熱成像 兩個技術,配有一個直徑16公釐的 影像增強管 (英语:image intensifier tube) 和一個320x240高解析度 熱阻式微輻射感測器 (英语:microbolometer),並利用了視覺融合將兩個影像重疊,讓佩戴者能夠在光線非常少的環境下更容易辨識目標。 AN/PSQ-20、AN/PSQ-20A只有影像增強和視 …
AN/PSQ-20夜视仪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AN/PSQ-20增强型夜视仪 (英语: Enhanced Night Vision Goggle, ENVG)是一款由 ITT Exelis (英语:ITT Exelis) 为美军开发的第三代单筒式夜视仪。 它同时结合了影像增强和 热成像 两个技术,配有一个直径16毫米的 影像增强管 (英语:image intensifier tube) 和一个320x240高分辨率 热阻式微辐射感测器 (英语:microbolometer),并利用了视觉融合将两个影像重叠,让佩戴者能够在光线非常少的环境下更容易辨识目标。 AN/PSQ-20、AN/PSQ-20A只有影像增强和视 …
Friday Night Lights: ITT Exelis PSQ-20A – Thermal Fusion Monocular
2021年10月29日 · Just like the ENVG PSQ-20B, the PSQ-20A can operate the thermal independently from the night vision. A boon to the PSQ fusion monoculars over a COTI system since the COTI needs the night vision in order for you to use them.
AN/PSQ-20A - Army Recognition
2024年8月4日 · The AN/PSQ-20A Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) provides increased capability by incorporating image intensification and long-wave infrared sensors into a single, helmet-mounted passive device.
PSQ-20 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle - Military.com
The AN/PSQ-20 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) provides increased capability by incorporating image intensification and long-wave infrared sensors into a single, helmet-mounted passive device.
AN/PSQ-20A DSNVG Dual Sensor Night Vision Goggle (Fusion …
The AN/PSQ-20 Dual Sensor Night Vision Goggle (DSNVG) represents the latest advancement of image intensifier (I²) technology. It combines an Gen3 PINNACLE Auto-Gated Image Intensifier and Thermal Infrared Micro-Bolometer into a single, compact monocular that is approximately the same size as a standard issue AN/PVS-14.
Friday Night Lights: PSQ-20 vs InfiRay JerryF – Fusion Monocular Duel
2022年1月7日 · Function-wise, there is not that much difference from the PSQ-20 to the PSQ-20A. The only major difference is how the thermal image looks and the PSQ-20 needs lithium AAs to work whereas the 20A could use alkaline and it even has a smaller 3xAA battery pack.
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG), AN/PSQ-20 - United …
The AN/PSQ-20 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) provides increased capability by incorporating image intensification and long-wave infrared sensors into a single, helmet-mounted passive...
AN/PSQ-20夜視儀 - Wikiwand
AN/PSQ-20增强型夜视仪 是一款由ITT Exelis为美军开发的第三代单筒式夜视仪。 它同时结合了影像增强和热成像两个技术,配有一个直径16毫米的影像增强管和一个320x240高分辨率热阻式微辐射感测器,并利用了视觉融合将两个影像重叠,让佩戴者能够在光线非常少的 ...