AirTronic PSRL-1 (RPG-7USA) - Military Factory
May 7, 2021 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the AirTronic PSRL-1 (RPG-7USA) Anti-Armor / Anti-Personnel Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher including pictures.
Rocket launcher PSRL-1-full review-specifications
The Precision Shoulder Rocket Launcher-1, also known as the PSRL-1, is a modified clone of the U.S.-made RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade launcher. The latter was developed in the Soviet Union. The PSRL-1 is designed by AirTronic USA.
Ukrainian troops spotted with American-made, but Russian …
May 22, 2018 · Ukrainian National Guard troops were spotted in early May training with a modified American version of the RPG-7 — the PSRL-1 rocket-propelled grenade launcher, made by the Texas-based...
New US-made Rocket Propelled Grenade PSRL-1 able to fire all …
Oct 5, 2016 · The American Company AirTronic presents a new solution of RPG (Rocket-Propelled Grenade) based on the original Soviet-made RPG-7 but with a new American design and completely manufactured in United States under the name of PSRL-1 (Precision Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launcher).
Americanized RPG-7 is Ready to Serve - Defense Update:
Oct 14, 2015 · The US weapon manufacturer AirTronic USA is offering its Precision, Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher (PSRL), anticipating future requirements for simple and effective weapon systems for asymmetric warfare in complex terrain.
PSRL-1 - Wikiwand
The Precision Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher-1 also known as the (PSRL-1) is a modified American copy of the Soviet/Russian RPG-7 shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenade launcher developed by AirTronic USA.
PSRL-1 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PSRL-1 (RPG-7USA)[1][2][3] is an unlicensed modified American clone of Soviet/Russian RPG-7 shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenade launcher developed by AirTronic USA. The first confirmed sales were made to the Ukrainian military in 2017.
PSRL-1 - 나무위키
Nov 16, 2024 · PSRL(정밀형 견착식 로켓 발사기, Precision Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher)-1은 에어트로닉 사에서 개발된 재설계형 RPG-7 로켓발사기이다. 기존 RPG-7의 탄약이 호환되며 에어트로닉사에서 자체적으로 탄약도 생산한다.
PSRL-1 – Wikipedia
Die PSRL-1 oder Precision Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher von AirTronic ist eine Panzerabwehrwaffe angelehnt an den sowjetischen RPG-7. Die Produktion begann 2009. Grundsätzlich ist alle Munition, welche für die RPG-7 entwickelt wurde, auch für die PSRL-1 verwendbar. Entsprechend kann man mit der Waffe 40-mm-Geschosse laden.
PSRL-1 — Wikipédia
Le PSRL-1 (en anglais : Precision Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher-1 : « lance-grenade d'épaule de précision ») est un lance-grenade propulsé par une roquette non guidée, antichar, portatif et réutilisable. Caractéristiques. En 2009, la société américaine AirTronic USA, fondé en 1993 a présenté sa version modernisée du RPG-7 ...
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