How can students download Microsoft Office and other software …
2021年2月16日 · Students may also access specialized software on a Penn State Lab computer from the convenience of a web browser at weblabs.psu.edu. Citation Tools. For information on citation tools, please see the FAQ below. Users can request access to the Mendeley Cite add-in in Office 365 by visiting the Penn State IT support portal. IT support can add ...
Q. How can I install the Mendeley Cite add-in in Office 365?
2023年5月2日 · 0 options available. Use up and down arrows to browse available options and enter to select one.
Ask A Librarian - Ask A Librarian
2021年10月25日 · 14 PSU Information; 2 Publishing; 11 Remote Access to Databases/E-resources; 28 Research Tips;
How do I access electronic journals and books from off campus ...
When connecting to the library from off campus, access is similar to when you're accessing e-journals and e--books from on campus. However, when connecting though the library website you'll be asked to log in with your PSU ID and password when necessary.
Q. What are the overdue fees for books or other items returned late?
2023年5月17日 · F or most items, Penn State University Libraries do not charge a daily fine for overdue materials. All books (and other items) borrowed from the general library collections (the stacks) that have not been recalled may be returned or …
I am a military service member with an APO/FPO address. Can I …
2024年9月13日 · Contact the Interlibrary Loan and Delivery Services team at [email protected] if you have questions about the new service. Toggle action bar FAQ Actions Print
What is the GlobalProtect VPN? - Ask A Librarian - LibAnswers
2021年8月19日 · NOTE: Once GlobalProtect has been installed, it should automatically start when you login to your PSU laptop/workstation. NOTE: Using a VPN may interfere with wi-fi connected printers and other devices. If necessary, disconnect from GP: Launch the GlobalProtect app by clicking the system tray icon.
Q. What questions should I ask a librarian? - LibAnswers
2023年5月3日 · An excellent question! Librarians are information experts. Our job is to help you find, access, evaluate, and use various types of information.
Q. Is there an app for PSU Libraries that I can download?
2023年5月1日 · PSU Libby app - ebooks and audiobooks Most public libraries also offer very good access to e-books and digital audiobooks through the OverDrive service and the "Libby" app Toggle action bar FAQ Actions
Where can I learn more about generative AI? - Ask A Librarian
2024年9月13日 · 14 PSU Information; 2 Publishing; 11 Remote Access to Databases/E-resources; 28 Research Tips;