PTC 13 - Wire-To-Air Performance Test Code for Blower Systems
This Code provides guidance for performance testing or measuring the electrical power consumption associated with a specified performance condition of a blower package (“Wire-to-Air Performance”) in a controlled environment.
2023年6月14日 · ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Code. Interpretations are published on the Committee web page and under http://go.asme.org/InterpsDatabase. Periodically certain actions of the ASME PTC Committee may be published as Cases.
PTC-13 provides procedures for determining the required total operating electrical power of a packaged blower system, termed the “wire-to-air” performance.
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Specification Considerations for ASME PTC 13 - Blower & Vacuum …
2022年2月24日 · The intent of PTC 13 is identifying apparatus, procedures, data reporting requirements, and calculation methods needed to establish the total energy consumption of blower systems. The code addresses all configurations, types of blowers, and methods of capacity modulation.
With this code, the end customers for the first time can get an accurate estimate and proper verification of how much “wire” power is consumed for the specified delivered “air” flow and pressure, plus they now have the ability to compare all blower technologies on a level playing field. This is a game changer!” Why ASME?
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