Ptm 4 landmine - CAT-UXO
This is the Russian PTM-4 (ПТM-4, Protivo Tankovaya Mina meaning Anti-Tank-Mine-4), a High-Explosive (HE), scatterable, Linear-Shaped-Charge (LSC), MAGNETIC (MAG) influenced, Anti …
PTM-4 : Russia / Soviet Union (RUS / SOV) - Armedconflicts.com
2022年4月3日 · The PTM-4 anti-tank mine is designed to disable tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles when run over by a mine. When an armored vehicle passes over a mine, the magnetic field of the earth is disturbed, which is evaluated by the mine as a passage of heavy equipment, and the VT-14 mine igniter initiates the explosion.
2018年5月13日 · ptm-3/4地雷虽然名为反坦克地雷,但只表明其主要打击的目标不是单兵,而是以车辆为主。 在叙利亚战场上,各派武装坦克并不多见,倒是武装皮卡到处跑。
New Russian Impulse-KPTM UGV can scatter up to 120 anti-tank …
2024年9月13日 · The PTM-4 mine is triggered by a non-contact magnetic igniter, the VT-14, which detects the magnetic field generated by nearby vehicles. These mines can be set to self-destruct after 8, 12, 24, or 48 hours and are programmed to automatically deactivate after 120 days to reduce the risk of unexploded ordnance.
Munition, mine, PTM-4 - Fenix Insight
The PTM-4 (ПТМ-4) is a Russian Federation-developed, scatterable, metal-cased, full-width, magnetic influence (MI) fuzed, anti-tank shaped charge (ATSC) mine, which is thought to have been adopted in 2005. To scatter the PTM-4, two mines are contained within a KPTM-4 (КПTМ-4) canister dispenser device (see 'Launching Systems' area).
PTM-4 - WikiTanks
La PTM-4 es una mina anticarro dispersable rusa. Consiste en una carcasa metálica alargada y semicilíndrica que contiene una carga hueca linear y una espoleta electrónica que se activa por influencia magnética. Se lanza en el campo de batalla mediante el sistema de diseminado KPTM-4 utilizado desde vehículos terrestres o helicópteros.
反坦克地雷能当炮弹发射吗? - 知乎
2023年6月11日 · ptm-1/3/4反坦克地雷,为苏联开始研制生产的反载具地雷,又被称之为俄式扫地机器人,地雷上搭载压感起爆器和磁传感器,能够对包括坦克、步战车和装甲输送车在内的多款装甲载具做出反应,ptm-3型地雷搭载的两公斤的tnt足够将坦克装甲车的行走系统炸坏 ...
Munition, mine, PTM-4M - Fenix Insight
The PTM-4M (ПТМ-4М) is a Russian Federation-developed, scatterable, full-width, anti-tank shaped charge (ATSC) mine, which is thought to be fitted with the battery-powered magnetic influence (MI) fuze.
The Russian PTM-4 (ПТM-4), a high-explosive (HE), scatterable, magnetic influenced, anti-vehicle (AV) landmine that has been used in the 2022 Ukraine-Russia conflict. It uses a programmable VT-14 self-destruct (SD) fuze with a 40-80 second delay arming mechanism.
How do I connect my G-MARK PTM-4 4-Channel DJ Mixer to my …
2024年11月7日 · To connect your G-MARK PTM-4 4-Channel DJ Mixer to your computer for recording, follow these steps: 1. Connect one end of the provided USB cable to the USB port on the PTM-4 mixer. 2. Connect the other end of the USB cable to an available USB port on your computer. 3. Ensure that your computer recognizes the PTM-4 mixer as an audio device.