PTRD-41 - Wikipedia
It is a single-shot weapon which fires the 14.5×114 mm round, which was able to penetrate German tanks such as the Panzer III and early models of the Panzer IV.
PTRD-41反坦克步枪(苏联红军于二次大战期间采用的一种反坦克 …
PTRD-41是单发武器,具有可移动的枪管,开火瞬间弹进约6.5厘米以减少后座力,另有三分之一后座力被 枪口制退器 吸收。 该枪的典型特征是备有提手及两脚架。 操作时,需要2个士兵才可进行,1个射手及装弹手,另一个负责跟踪及指定目标。 PTRD-41的优点是便于大量生产且耐用,精 …
捷格佳廖夫PTRD-41反坦克枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
PTRD反坦克枪是一种手动操作的单发步枪,该枪采用传统的回转枪机,在机头有两个径向的凸锁突耳,射击时枪管进行长距离后坐以缓冲后坐力。 PTRD的一个特点是能够自动抛壳。 该枪的枪管在射击时会进行长距离后坐(约65mm)并压缩枪托内的弹簧缓冲器,对于一把单发步枪来说这样的设计是为了大幅减缓后坐力。 当枪管后坐过程中,拉机柄会撞到枪托右侧坚起的一块金属板上,在金属板的斜面作用下迫使拉机柄向上运动,从而使枪机旋转和开锁。 然后当枪管后坐到 …
PTRD-41反坦克步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ptrd-41(俄语: Противотанковое однозарядное ружьё обр. 1941 г. системы Дегтярева ,意為:捷格加廖夫系統反坦克步槍1941年型)是蘇聯紅軍於二次大戰期間採用的一種反坦克步槍,它是一種發射14.5×114毫米槍彈的單發步槍。
武器专栏:苏联 PTRD-41反坦克步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
ptrd-41(俄语:Противотанковое однозарядное ружьё обр. 1941 г. системы Дегтярева,意为:捷格加廖夫系统反坦克步枪1941年型)是苏联红军于二次大战期间装备的一种反坦克步枪,它发射14.5×114毫米枪弹的单发步枪。
PTRD-41 Soviet WW2 Anti Tank Rifle - Real History Online
2023年8月17日 · PTRD-41 – Anti-tank single-shot rifle of the 1941 model of the Degtyarev system (PTRD) — Soviet anti-tank gun, developed by the group of A. A. Dementiev in the Degtyarev Design Bureau and put into service USSR Armed Forces August 29, 1941. Designed to fight average and light tanks and armored vehicles at distances up to […]
Degtyarev PTRD 1941 (PTRD-41) - Military Factory
2021年8月15日 · The Degtyarev PTRD 1941 (or "PTRD-41", shortened from "Protivo Tankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova") was the most available anti-tank, anti-material rifle to the Red Army during World War 2. The heavy 14.5mm cartridge held the capability to penetrate armor plating of enemy vehicles at ranges within 500 yards.
PTRD-41 14.5mm - Weapons Parade
This rifle was a 14.5mm caliber and fired a heavy cartridge of 14.5 x 114mm of more than 15cm in length that could penetrate until 40mm of armor at 100 meters distance. Its design was enormously simple, which facilitated its mass production, which reached almost half a million units until its completion in 1945.
The PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle in 14.5×114 mm caliber
2023年4月10日 · Like the 12.7×99 mm and 12.7×108 mm, the 14.5×114 mm caliber would see its use survive WWII, being used in particular in the KPV machine gun from 1954… but also in the PTRD-41 and PTRS-41 today still!
Rare WW2 Anti-Tank PTRD-41 Degtyarev 1942 & PTRS-41 …
The PTRS 1941 Simonov was a huge 14.5 mm semi-automatic rifle, fed by a five-round magazine. Designed by Sergei Simonov in 1938, the PTRS-41 (Simonov Anti-Tank Rifle) was manufactured throughout the Second World War, between 1941 and 1945. The gun could be easily disassembled into two loads for transport.
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