PTRD-41 - Wikipedia
'Anti-tank self-loading gun pattern 1941, Degtyaryov system') is an anti-tank rifle that was produced and used from 1941 by the Soviet Red Army during World War II. It is a single-shot weapon which fires the 14.5×114 mm round, which was able to penetrate German tanks such as the Panzer III and early models of the Panzer IV.
PTRS-41 - Wikipedia
The PTRS-41 (Russian: Противотанковое самозарядное ружьё образца 1941 года системы Симонова, romanized: Protivotankovoye samozaryadnoye ruzhyo obraztsa 1941 goda sistemy Simonova, lit. 'Anti-tank-self-loading gun pattern 1941, Simonov system') [4] is a World War II-era semi-automatic anti-tank rifle firing the 14.5×114mm cartridge.
PTRD-41反坦克步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PTRD-41 (俄语: Противотанковое однозарядное ружьё обр. 1941 г. системы Дегтярева,意為: 捷格加廖夫系統反坦克步槍1941年型)是 蘇聯紅軍 於 二次大戰 期間採用的一種 反坦克步槍,它是一種發射 14.5×114毫米 槍彈的 單發 步槍。
PTRD-41反坦克步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月2日 · PTRD-41 (俄语: Противотанковое однозарядное ружьё обр. 1941 г. системы Дегтярева,意为: 捷格加廖夫系统反坦克步枪1941年型)是 苏联红军 于 二次大战 期间采用的一种 反坦克步枪,它是一种发射 14.5×114毫米 枪弹的 单发 步枪。
PTRD-41 Soviet WW2 Anti Tank Rifle - Real History Online
2023年8月17日 · PTRD-41 – Anti-tank single-shot rifle of the 1941 model of the Degtyarev system (PTRD) — Soviet anti-tank gun, developed by the group of A. A. Dementiev in the Degtyarev Design Bureau and put into service USSR Armed Forces August 29, 1941. Designed to fight average and light tanks and armored vehicles at distances up to 500 meters.
The PTRS 41 and Other and Russian Anti-Tank Rifles
2020年1月8日 · Invented by Russian arms designer Vassily Degtyarev, who also created successful light 7.62mm machine guns and heavy 12.7mm DShK machine guns still in use …
PTRD | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The PTRD is a crudely-designed, single-shot anti-tank rifle firing the 14.5×114mm cartridge. It uses a lock from the kb ppanc wz. 35 and some elements from the Panzerbüsche 38.
PTRD-41 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PTRD-41 (Shortened from Russian, ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova; Противотанковое однозарядное ружьё системы Дегтярёва образца 1941 года;"Degtyaryov Anti-Tank Rifle") was an anti-tank rifle produced and used from early 1941 by the Soviet Red Army during World War II. It was a single-shot weapon which fired a 14.5×114mm round.
Degtyarev PTRD 1941 (PTRD-41) - Military Factory
2021年8月15日 · The Degtyarev PTRD 1941 (or "PTRD-41", shortened from "Protivo Tankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova") was the most available anti-tank, anti-material rifle to the Red Army during World War 2. The heavy 14.5mm cartridge held the capability to penetrate armor plating of enemy vehicles at ranges within 500 yards.
2002年9月1日 · The PTRD 1941 (14.5mm protivotankovoe ruzhe sistemy Degtyareva, obr. 1941 g.) is a single shot rifle that looks minimalist in the extreme. Except for the pistol grip and the cheek and butt pads, it is made entirely of steel. PTRD left and right views. The shooter’s face and the sights are offset to the left.
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