PTRS-41 - Wikipedia
The PTRS-41 (Russian: Противотанковое самозарядное ружьё образца 1941 года системы Симонова, romanized: Protivotankovoye samozaryadnoye ruzhyo obraztsa 1941 goda …
PTRS-41是前苏联在二战期间研制并列装的一支反坦克枪。 前苏联在两次世界大战之间试验了各种反坦克穿甲弹药,发现12.7x108mm弹无法满足要求之后开始研制新的14.5x114mm穿甲弹。
西蒙诺夫PTRS-41反坦克枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
PTRS(俄语ПТРС)是“西蒙诺夫反坦克步枪”(俄语ПротивоТанковое Ружье Симонова)的缩写,由苏联著名的轻武器设计师谢尔盖·加夫里罗维奇·西蒙诺夫研制。 在两次世界大战之间, …
[轻武器科普] PTRS-41反坦克步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
PTRS(俄语ПТРС)是“西蒙诺夫反坦克步枪”(俄语ПротивоТанковое Ружье Симонова)的缩写,由苏联著名的轻武器设计师谢尔盖·加夫里罗维奇·西蒙诺夫研制。 通过与人的对比可发现 …
PTRS-41: The Powerful WWII-Era Anti-Tank Gun Destroying …
2023年2月25日 · Known on the battlefield as the “Simonov”, the PTRS-41 was designed by the Soviet Union in response to the loss of anti-tank artillery at the hands of the Germans. The …
The PTRS 41 and Other and Russian Anti-Tank Rifles
2020年1月8日 · The two primary Soviet antitank rifles of the World War II era were the PTRD 41 (top) and the PTRS 41 (bottom). The PTRD-41 was a single-shot weapon, while the PTRS-41 …
PTRS 41: The Soviet Semiauto Antitank Rifle (aka an SKS on Steroids)
2022年12月14日 · The Simonov design became the PTRS-41, a 5-shot semiauto offering more firepower but also taking longer to produce. The Degtyarev entered service first, with the first …
PTRS-41 > Predecessor of the SKS rifle
the Russian built PTRS- 41 is the predecessor of the SKS rifle. In 1938, Simonov designed the PTRS-41, a magazine fed, semi automatic anti-tank rifle. The PTRS-41 fired a 14.5 mm (55 …
PTRS-41 - Quartermaster Section
The PTRS-41 (Protivo Tankovoye Ruzhyo Simonov) was a semi-automatic anti-tank rifle which had a five round magazine. It was issued in the same way as the single shot PTRD-41 and …
PTS 株価値上がりランキング - バフェット・コード
3 天之前 · PTS(私設取引システム)のデイタイムセッション(日中取引)およびナイトタイムセッション(夜間取引)における株価の上昇率が大きい銘柄ランキングです。