Plutonium-241 - Wikipedia
Plutonium-241 is a beta emitter with a half-life of 14.3 years, corresponding to a decay of about 5% of 241 Pu nuclei over a one-year period. This decay has a Q -value of 20.78 ± 0.17 keV and a mean of 5.227 ± 0.043 keV, and does not emit gamma rays. [1] .
Isotope data for plutonium-241 in the Periodic Table
Detailed decay information for the isotope plutonium-241 including decay chains and daughter products.
Plutonium-241 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Properties and data of the isotope 241 Pu. See also: list of Plutonium isotopes. Half-life T ½ = 14.329 (29) a respectively 4.51879344 × 108 seconds s. Direct parent isotopes are: 241 Np, 245 Cm. Nuclear isomers or excited states with the activation …
Plutonium 241 | nuclear-power.com - Nuclear Power for Everybody
241Pu is a fissile isotope of plutonium. Isotope 241Pu is formed in a nuclear reactor from fertile isotope 240Pu. 241Pu decays via beta decay into 241Am.
Nuclear Data Viewer - wise-uranium.org
View nuclide und decay data available in Calculator database. Atomic mass: 241.056844 . Half-life: 14.40 a . Specific activity: 3.812e12 Bq/g. Possible parent(s): Cm-245 . Decay(s): (100.0 %, beta) to: Am-241 . (2.450e-3 %, alpha) to: U-237 . > show decay graph for 1 g pure Pu-241 . Decay chain chart (branching shown for > 1% only)
Half-lifes and Decay Modes of Isotopes of Plutonium
This page summarizes the basic decay properties of isotopes of plutonium. Half-lives, decay modes, products of decay. Isotopes 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244.
Plutonium | nuclear-power.com - Nuclear Power for Everybody
The isotope 240 Pu is in a decay chain of the primordial isotope 244 Pu. These nuclei are present in the unalterable proportions of the radioactive equilibrium between 244 Pu and 240 Pu. 240 Pu has a relatively high radiative capture cross-section (about 290 barns for thermal neutrons).
The decay chain of 241 Pu. | Download Scientific Diagram
The interaction of americium by polyamide (PN6) and polyethylene (PE) microplastics (MPs) has been investigated in de-ionized and seawater samples traced with the Am-241 isotope.
Pu-241 decays approximately 100 % by beta minus emission to the ground state of Am-241 and 0,00244 % by alpha emission to levels of U-237. The spontaneous fission decay branching is less than E-14 %.
Pu 241 Pu 237 U 237 U 237 U 237 U 237 U 239 Np 239 Np 239 Np 239 239 Pu 241 Pu Am 241 Am 241 Am 241 Am {{240Pu (6564 yr.) 7-8-1970 Ge(Li) 2.5cm2 x 8mm unknown absorber 1.2 cm 94-240-1. ... 240Pu Decay Chain. Table of Contents Page -4-0.0 6564 yr. 100% decay Q =5255.82 45.244 104.234 212.46 160.308 538.09 642.35 873.92 699 687.57 967 960 958 919 ...