PUBG How to remove grass - YouTube
战术小队除草优化新手教程。 - 哔哩哔哩
最近新人大量涌入战术小队,很多新人都反应看不见人,大战队的老屁股开着去阴影去压制大量收割新人,所以发个教程,让新人也能大杀四方。 关于是否会被封号,我只能说,文件是公开的,大战队都在用。 但是有很多服务器抵触去草,这点一定注意。 祝各位新人游戏愉快! 笑死,室外修文件修了个寂寞,去阴影代码没用,但我觉得既然除草的都出来了,那估计也快了,到时候又是神仙大战了。 你问我为啥发这代码? 我只能说....防君子不防小人,还不如传播开了然后逼官方 …
The Security Operations Team will soon crack down on users exploiting the anti-grass hack. We respectfully remind our players that modifying vegetation in any way using unauthorized means constitutes cheating.
how do i turn the grass off? :: PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS General …
2017年7月7日 · Can you send a picture of your settings or write them down? Even if you set the foliage to Lowest, there will be some still visible. It does not remove em altogether. Like Stainze said their is still some grass. Otherwise there would not be the wlement of suprise. It cannot completely be turned of but It can be reduced.
How to Remove Grass in PUBG: Ultimate Guide - djdvk.com
2024年11月3日 · Methods of Grass Removal in PUBG. For players aiming to enhance their performance, *removing grass in PUBG* can be a game-changer. This process involves several *game setting adjustments* and techniques to maximize your *visual clarity strategies*. Here, we delve into the most effective methods, highlighting their pros and cons.
《绝地求生大逃杀》去草丛及去树设置方法 绝地求生大逃杀怎么去 …
2017年10月18日 · 《绝地求生大逃杀》游戏中趴在草地中不容易被人发现,相信大家经常会被伏地魔偷袭,如果去除草丛的话则不会有此烦恼,今天小编带来“雨鱼”分享的《绝地求生大逃杀》去草丛及去树设置方法,感兴趣的玩家赶紧来看吧。 注:修改游戏文件,有封号风险,请大家谨慎使用。 把下面这两行代码粘贴到Engine.ini里的 [/script/engine.renderersettings]配置下就行,第一行为去树,第二行为去草,根据需要修改,注意将文件修改为只读。 Engine.ini文件位置,可 …
Turn off foliage/grass :: PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS General …
2017年12月25日 · Now was stupid situation. My foliage/grass is turned on very low. I was crouching in field and from my monitor I was completely hide in that grass. Some guy killed me from a distance.
Tip: Grass stops rendering at 200m, so you can use that to ... - Reddit
2017年9月11日 · It's why you can spot people that are laying down in grass when they are far away. They render, but the grass they are hiding in doesn't. It's kinda dumb, but pretty much every game since the dawn of time has worked the same way.
No grass PUBG Mobile 0.18.0 file download: All you need to know
2020年5月19日 · No grass PUBG Mobile 0.18.0 mod is one in which the texture of grass is removed from the game, giving a player an unfair advantage. Players using the grass to hide or camp can be easily...
how remove grass? :: PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS General Discussions
2018年9月3日 · You cant remove grass from any of the "in game" settings. The grass image quality can be changed via the settings.. But the grass will be drawn up in a 360 circle around each player (seen from the point in which that specific player are located).