2016年10月2日 · In the famous Mesopotamian Gilgamesh poem, one of the earliest known heroic epics, we are introduced to two mysterious objects of extreme importance to the protagonist: a pukku and a mikku. Scholars have been trying for some …
Pukku und Mikku – Wikipedia
Pukku (pu-uk-ku, sumerisch: gu ellag) und Mikku (mi-ik-ku-u, sumerisch: gu e-ke 4-ma) sind in der sumerischen Mythologie Bezeichnungen von Gegenständen, die aus den Ästen des magischen Ḫuluppu-Baumes hergestellt wurden und deren Bedeutung umstritten ist.
Gilgamesh | Epic, Summary, & Facts | Britannica
2025年2月12日 · An appendage to the epic, Tablet XII, related the loss of objects called pukku and mikku (perhaps “drum” and “drumstick”) given to Gilgamesh by Ishtar. The epic ends with the return of the spirit of Enkidu, who promised to recover the …
Pukku and Mekkû - Semantic Scholar
The von Soden dictionary translates pukku by “Trommel” (drum). Such was also Landsberger's first interpretation, but he later changed his mind: since the pukku occurs once with some playthings such as a skipping rope, he suggested a…
"The Huluppu -Tree" / "Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld"
This little girl called out to Utu, sun god and god of justice. In Kramer's account, women who have lost their sons or brothers in war call out to Utu for justice. All translations agree that the earth opens up and swallows the pukku and mikku as retribution for offensive behavior.
Pukku and Mekkû | IRAQ | Cambridge Core - Cambridge …
2014年8月7日 · Anyone reading the Gilgameš Epic cannot help being puzzled by the words pukku and mekkû which have been very much discussed by specialists and are still so enigmatic that some translators no longer attempt to render them. The state of the question is as follows. The von Soden dictionary translates pukku by “Trommel” (drum
Sumerian Mythology: Chapter II. Myths of Origins - Internet …
Of the base of the huluppu-tree she made an object called the pukku (probably a drum), and of its crown she made another related object called the mikku (probably a drumstick), and gave them both to Gilgamesh, evidently as a reward for his gallantry. Follows a passage of twelve lines describing Gilgamesh's activity with these two objects whose ...
the pukku and mikku, two wooden objects of magic significance. The reconstructed text follows :x 1 2. mu-ri(?) 3. u( ?) UL NIG -a-b[a] Aftfer] , 4 nig-du7-e dug4-ga-a-ba After , 5 [ka]lam -a-ba After , 1 Th e reconstructio n is based o th following texts: Lines Text Published as
ᐈ Pukku y mikku | ¿Qué es? - Inanna (Ishtar)
El pukku y mikku son dos objetos hechos de las ramas del «árbol huluppu». En el Poema de Gilgamesh hay un fragmento escrito en sumerio que lo nombran. La epopeya está escrita en el idioma babilonio, aunque hay que decir que se encontraron tablillas escritas en sumerio y acadio.
Pukku y Mikku | Wiki Mitología | Fandom
El pukku y mikku son dos objetos sagrados sacados de las ramas del «árbol huluppu[1]». En el Poema de Gilgamesh hay un fragmento en sumerio que lo mencionan. La epopeya está escrita en el idioma babilonio, aunque hallaron tablillas escritas en sumerio y acadio.