Puma ifv - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder — official forum
2024年12月28日 · gaijin u no want to fix puma track?? afther puma get a shot in turret and ammo explode all two track completly destroyed… this how works? u get a turret shot and track has ben damaged? u no have chance to evade from here because the puma is complete imobilized. no gun, no missile, no track!
PUMA VJTF: Claws and Spikes - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年9月6日 · This is the PUMA VJTF, the most advanced modification of Germany’s latest IFV currently fielded by the Bundeswehr. Featuring upgraded firepower, the PUMA VJTF will soon join the top ranks of the German ground forces tree! PUMA VJTF: A Light Tank for Germany at Rank VII At a glance: Good mobility. Addition of Spike-LR missiles. Active protection system. Powerful 30 mm autocannon! Vehicle ...
Schützenpanzer Puma IFV: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. Part 2!
2024年3月3日 · The PUMA ifv came in the update “Wind of Change” as an 8.3 vehicle rapidly moved to 9.7 and then put at 10.0 the issue about the vehicle came up with the fact that it was missing almost all of its features and was settled as one of the most incomplete vehicles that has made it ingame.
Puma ifv - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder — official forum
2023年6月21日 · Hi is there any chance that there is gonna be correctly modeled entire hull of PUMA IFV as it should. There is no modeled (the “Igelpanzerung”, hedgehog armor) are for protection against cluster shaped sharges. he Spikes themselves hit the warhead before its detonation, causing the jet to disrupt and not form properly.For example 40mm bomblets with a penetration capability of 200mm for ...
PUMA IFV reload time after turret hit - War Thunder
2024年7月4日 · Hello, the PUMA IFV has a problem with reloading after a hit in the turret. This manifests itself in such a way that after repairing 3 to 5 single shots (reload time approx. 5 seconds) can be fired and then a very long reload time of approx. 5 minutes occurs. From time to time it even happens that the whole thing starts all over again. This is an incredibly long time during which the vehicle ...
Puma/KF41 Rate Of Fire - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder - Official …
2025年1月22日 · Oh and there’s this too. Initial Boxer IFV’s were rated to have a full 600 rpm lance turret as well. Absolutely not! The Boxer with the Lance turret and MK30-2/ABM is in no way an IFV because it transports no infantry squad but instead ammunition for it’s gun! The Puma has just 200 rounds in the rc turret and another 200 inside the Puma.
Begleitpanzer is better than the Puma IFV Change my mind
2024年2月26日 · My Obinion is that the begleit panzer is much better than the Puma IFV becouse the puma should have a battle rating of 9.7 and not 10.0. Can someone tell me maybe how to play the Puma IFV more sucsesfull on 10.0.
[Desenvolvimento] PUMA VJTF: Garras e Espinhos - War Thunder
2024年9月6日 · Baixar Wallpaper: 1920x1080 2560x1440 3840x2160 Este é o PUMA VJTF, a modificação mais avançada do IFV alemão mais moderno posto em serviço da Bundeswehr. Possuindo poder de fogo aprimorado, o PUMA VJTF irá se juntar em breve aos níveis de topo da árvore de veículos terrestres da Alemanha! PUMA VJTF: Um Tanque Leve para a Alemanha no Nível VII Características: Boa mobilidade ...
Puma Why we need the spike missiles now! - War Thunder
2023年9月3日 · Puma is easily the worst 10.0 IFV in game atm. BMP-2M dominates with its great gun, mobility, size, and 4x ready to fire missiles with exceptional penetration. M3A3 has the TOW-2A and the commander sights gimmick. Puma just has a nice angle on the UFP and an unmanned turret
Schützenpanzer Puma IFV: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. Part 2!
2024年5月17日 · Heres screenshots of my DM bug report to smin if you’re interested: Puma LFP DM bug report: [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] TLDR: The Puma LFP is likely missing around 85mm of RHA, with the front plate missing ~35mm of thickness and an ENTIRE 50mm plate mis…