Puma (German infantry fighting vehicle) - Wikipedia
The Schützenpanzer Puma (SPz Puma), meaning “Schützen-AFV Puma”, is a German infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), per the Panzergrenadier-doctrine, designed to replace the aging Marder IFVs currently in service with the German Army. Production of the first batch of 350 vehicles began in 2010 and was completed in August 2021.
Puma – Infantry fighting vehicle - Rheinmetall
Jointly produced by Rheinmetall and KNDS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, the top-performing Puma infantry fighting vehicle is the most advanced system of its kind anywhere. Besides excellent modular protection, the Puma possesses a unique capacity for scalable lethality and the ability to take part in sophisticated network-enabled operations.
Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle Full specifications history & variants
The Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle uses a Remote-Controlled Turret armed with the Rheinmetall 30mm MK30-2/ABM auto-cannon and is fully stabilized for effective fire on the move. The Puma RCT stores 200 30mm rounds and is capable of firing Rheinmetall’s latest range of 30mm ammuntion, including its air-burst round (ABM).
XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle - Wikipedia
The XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle (MICV), formerly known as the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV), is a U.S. Army program to replace the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. MICV is one part of the Next Generation Combat Vehicle portfolio of programs.
XM-701 Infantry Combat Vehicle (1965), MICV-65 - tank-afv.com
The XM-701 Infantry Combat Vehicle or MICV-65 was an experimental Infantry Fighting Vehicle leading to the MICV-70 programme later better known as the M2 Bradley. It was the first step in its development.
Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
With its unique balance of tactical and strategic mobility, survivability and lethality, the PUMA gives the German Armed Forces a state-of-the-art infantry fighting vehicle systematically...
The German Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle - TankNutDave.com
The German Puma Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the future IFV of the German Army. Modular design & 30mm main gun, all 350 will be in service by 2020.
Army Guide - Infantry Fighting Vehicle
An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV, also known as mechanized infantry combat vehicle, MICV) is a type of armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide fire support for them. IFVs are similar to armoured personnel carriers (APCs), designed to transport five to ten infantrymen and their equipment.
AIFV履带式装甲步兵战车 - 百度百科
1967年,食品机械化学公司军械分部根据与美国陆军签订的合同,制造了2辆micv步兵战车,命名为xm765型。 这两辆样车是以M113装甲人员输送车为基础研制的,主要改进是在车体上开了射孔,安装了全密闭式炮塔。
今日世界排名前十位的步兵战车 - 哔哩哔哩
https://youtu.be/hBPcBGY60Co 转自The Buzz 步兵战车 (IFV),又称机械化步兵战车 (MICV),是一种装甲战车,用于携带步兵进入战场并提供直接火力支援。 1990年欧洲常规武装部队条约 …
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