IAR 330 - Wikipedia
The IAR 330 is a licence-built version of the Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma helicopter, manufactured by the Romanian aerospace manufacturer Industria Aeronautică Română. The IAR 330 was produced under a licensing agreement with the French aerospace firm Aérospatiale, signed on …
Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma - Wikipedia
The Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma is a four-bladed, twin-engined medium transport/utility helicopter designed and originally produced by the French aerospace manufacturer Sud Aviation. The Puma was developed as a new design during the mid-1960s in response to a French Army requirement for a medium-sized all-weather utility helicopter.
IAR 330L Puma Helicopter - Airforce Technology
2013年1月22日 · The IAR 330L Puma SOCAT is an upgraded variant, fitted with an avionics package and new weapons system. The Romanian Air Force initiated the upgrade programme of the IAR 330L helicopters in the 1990s. Elbit Systems was selected in 1994 to supply Antitank Optronic Search and Combat Systems (SOCAT) for 24 helicopters.
IAR 330 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The IAR 330 is the Romanian-built version of Aérospatiale's SA 330 Puma helicopter, manufactured by IAR Braşov. Twenty-four helicopters have been recently upgraded to IAR 330 SOCAT in cooperation with Elbit Systems (Israel).[2]
IAR-330 Naval Helicopter Romanian Navy Forțele Navale …
The IAR 330 is the Romanian-built version of the Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma helicopter, manufactured by IAR Brașov. Twenty-four helicopters were upgraded to IAR 330 SOCAT in cooperation with Elbit Systems (Israel). Despite being a COMECON and Warsaw Pact member, Romania strove for some measure of independence from the USSR.
IAR-330 Puma SOCAT | Fortele Aeriene Romane - roaf.ro
Cele doua programe urmau să fie dezvoltate de SC IAR SA Braşov. Configuraţia de bază a fost stabilită în 1992 - PUMA 2000. În extensia acestei configuraţii a rezultat elicopterul IAR-330 Puma “SOCAT” (Sistem Optronic de Cercetare şi Anti-Tanc) destinat luptei antitanc.
IAR-330 PUMA | Fortele Aeriene Romane
Elicopterul IAR-330 Puma permite executarea zborului în condiţii IFR, are pilot automat SFIM 137A, radio VHF/UHF, ADF, VOR/DME, radar Doppler de navigaţie. Forţele Aeriene Române au modernizat 24 de aparate IAR-330 Puma în varianta IAR-330 Puma SOCAT, destinat luptei antitanc, iar ultimul aparat din acestă serie a fost livrat la ...
Are nevoie România de elicoptere de atac noi sau rămânem la IAR …
2025年2月2日 · România deține elicoptere de transport și atac IAR-330 Puma și Puma SOCAT adaptate și modernizate, dar oare fac ele față războiului modern? Și în ce măsură azi mai sunt importante elicoterele de atac, deși multe state continuă să le achiziționeze.
Airbus Helicopters SA 330 Puma - Military Factory
2021年3月24日 · IAR SOCAT Puma - Nose-mounted FLIR system; 20mm turret cannon; anti-tank missile mounts; based on IAR 330L model series; produced in conjunction with Israeli Elbit corporation.
06 | IAR-330L Puma SOCAT | Romania - Air Force - JetPhotos
2024年10月23日 · IAR-330L Puma SOCAT. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!